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I've got an important review this Friday and I was wondering if any of you skanks conduct or take part in or can share your experiences in regards to being reviewed by the higher ups.

I'm looking at getting a substantial raise as I am getting severely underpaid according to industry standards and we are one of the top firms in our industry.

Thanks, any help is good help.

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Gather your market research too.

It helps to be able to have some concrete info proving you are underpaid, not just "I don't get paid enough".

When I had my last PPR I took in a few sheets of info I gathered from GIS websites that stated median incomes for certain jobs etc. When I presented them with a real number related to reseach they couldn't deny it.

Also, try and remember that at our age and the state of the economy they probably need you more than you need them.....


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Hey there,

Before you go for your review, I would suggest making a list of your accomplishments over the last year and specifically relate them to how it has affected the company (ie. efficiency, profitiability, etc) Focus on your abilities and how you are an asset to the organization, which can lead into a discussion regarding your salary. You could cite some examples of the industry standards as well in your discussion.

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make yourself seem irreplaceable.. go in there, mental list in head of everything you've done to contribute to whomever you work for, and show them how whatever you've done has made their lives all that much better. make sure you project growth for yourself too.. show them how you will continue improving and growing with the company and make them feel like they WANT to keep you around. then once you've accomplished this.. break out the raise talk.


i have one on thursday :)

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I wouldn't go with a mental list, paper lists are easier to read.

As mentioned, it is a good idea to mention accomplishments and future goals within the company.

As an outline (going off some of my last review literature):

- Significant learning: list any significnat learning experiences in the past year.

- Areas of personal strength: list areas of personal strength related to the 10 behaviours and other funtional competencies. I suggest using words like 'display enthusiasm' 'results-orineted' exhibit integrity' things like that.

- Areas of personal development opportuninties: just put some garble about what you can improve on. Maybe you can be a better team player or something.

Future development: list future development needs and proposed actions: ask for a raise!

short-term carrer goals: (1-3 yrs)

Long-term career goals: (3-5 yrs)

Go get 'em tiger!

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Tell them you have a VERY ATTRACTIVE offer from a COMPETING firm. Tell them you'll stay if they match it. Write it down on a piece of paper, pass it across the table. Tell them they have 30minutes to decide.....stand up and walk out!!

I had someone try that with me once. They just kept walking ;)

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