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Peter Cook, in memoriam


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Meant to do this on Monday, but spaced on it.

Peter Cook, 17 November, 1937 - 9 January, 1995.

CJ made me a convert many years back. How many people can raise sheer profanity to the heavenly spheres? Cook also started up Private Eye in the UK in the 1960s (their equivalent of Frank magazine, till that went down the tubes recently), which is still going strong ( Private Eye ).

If you've seen The Princess Bride, think of the priest at the wedding at the end of the movie. That's him.


For a fuller picture of the man, check out The Establishment , a site dedicated to all things Peter Cook.

If you're interested to gain a sense of his sublime offensiveness (here with Dudley Moore), give a listen to This Bloke Come Up to Me (from his "Derek and Clive" days; language heads-up).

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My brother gave me, "Tragically, I Was An Only Twin - The Complete Peter Cook", edited by William Cook (no relation) for my birthday, and I'm just starting to get into it; I'm familiar with a lot of his work, but this is more of a career-spanning tome.



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