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1.8-million hectare park is B.C.'s gift to the planet-by Ian Bailey

B.C. Premier Gordon Campbell yesterday called the creation of a massive conservation park on B.C.'s central and North coast "an unprecendeted collaberation" between industry, environmentalits and native groups.

An area about three times the size of P.E.I. will be protected from logging under the agreement.

"Today we announce the culmination of an unprecidented collaboration, a collaboration between First Nations, communities, conservationists ,industry and government in support of a provincial land-use decision for the central and the North coast of British Columbia,"said Mr.CAmpbell.

"The Great Bear Rainforest is Canadas Amazon and todays announcement is British Colombia's gift to the planet," said Merran Smith, director of Forest ethics, a group devoted to protecting the worlds endangered forests.

"Literally, hundreds of rainforest valleys will be saved from the chainsaw."

Under the plan, 1.2 million hectares of protected areas will be added to an existing 600,000 hectares already protected, including The Great Bear Rain forest that is home to the Kermode bear, a black bear with white fur.

The 1.8-million hectare area includes 200,000 hectares of the bears habitat.

The agreement, trumpeted at a ceremony attended by environmentalists, First Nations officials and industry representatives effectively ends the decade-old war in the woods between conservationists and logging and mining interests.

The agreement also gives First Nations several options for input managing the resources in the region.

Mining and tourism on three percent of the central coast and 10 percent of the North coast will be allowed.

Many of those groups involved in the collaborative agreement were present during a ceremony yesterday in Vancouver.

"Everybody that was involved had the ability to say 'no' at different points in time," said Reynold Hert, president and CEO of Western Forest products, one of four forestry companies involved in negotiations."


THIS HAS MADE MY YEAR!!!!!!!!!!! :):):):):)

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You know whats stupid,negative beans.....IMO....Is that IMO...Thhis GREAT news might be one of CAnadas finest achievements yet the story was on page 4 of the citizen paper...Britney was the cover story.

The front page of The National...a picture of all the past presidants of the U.S.A.

ANYWAYS...never mind those negative beans...

THIS is a beautifull moment in Canadian history.


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I would like to thank our Canadian war vets, B.C.'s premier:Gordan Campbell, First Nations, Forest ethics, industry and of coarse caring positive Canadians for this GLORIOUS moment in Canadian history.

Celebratory Canadian Beans Keep Going and Going.

I'd Rather Have a Bowl of Celebratory Canadian Beans!


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