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Originally posted by Schwa.:

is that for the 9th? are you not going any more?


i've been given an offer i can't refuse.

a freind of mine who is now hooked up with the band's management has offered me backstage passes for the abb and a special diner with the band with vips (which of course i am not one) [Wink]

but honestly, i really want to see wsp again, considering they smoked at bonnaroo!!!

but i have tons of stubs for ya and anybody else who wants them...

btw, i have an offer to buy those phish tix but i'll sell em to you first if you want them...


Dude, sorry about the Phish, just can't commit, but i will take the WSP stubs for sure. Talk to ya later today, i'll call ya....but i think i lost your #. email me if you see this.


Hey Chewie,

I was wondering if I could get a WSP ticket. I'll be in town this weekend so I'll try to get a hold of you. I also need to get my sun glasses off ya. It's all to bright for my eyes.


jeff, tim

yah...i'll give ya both a pair how about that???

damn...i wanna go so bad...i'm prayin my friend in toronto calls and says the whole backstage thing fell through so i can see wsp instead...

jeff, i'm gonna call 2nite...


always trying to get the freebies eh chandler .pffffff.

silly clean air inspectors always asking for more... and by the way ; learn how to take a picture, i'm sick of it.

and chewie where the hell r my keys ? looking for some ground scores out of the stu dogs house.. pffff.



hey chewie! i don't think i'm gonna be able to make ABB anymore cause i was in an accident and totalled my car and broke my hand. [Frown]

so i was wondering if i could get a few WSP tix from ya.

have fun at ABB!!!


Thanks for the ticket chewie.

Stu-pid, why don't you come also, no excuses.

How are we going to get there, Jeff? Do you have wheels.

Maybe when Stu decides to grow some balls and comes with us then he can drive. Like a little bitch. [big Grin]



Hope everything is alright, with the accident and all. It sucks you broke your arm. Can I sign the cast. I've never signed a cast before.

see ya for WSP



Originally posted by stu dog:

and by the way ; learn how to take a picture, i'm sick of it.

The only problem with the pics that I took was that you were in them. Joke


well after chewie gave me the tix and realizing the clean air inspector is now going i think the ticket is up for grabs.. spending more then 5 hours with chandler at a wide spread concert... pfff..

and second of all, bring u two over the boarder with me, who are u kidding, stu dog and two ugly kids, WE ARE DEFINATLY GETTING PULLED OVER..

take a look at yourselves, i'm sick of it..

joking chandler, i love u.. see u tomorrow english [Cool]


what's with all the hostility? can't ya just be nice to each other? especially you, studog [Wink]

thanks chandler for the get well wishes and yes, of course you may sign my cast

see ya'll at WSP. you guys wanna have a pre-party at my place?


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