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July 1st Challenge(warning creativity needed)


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I'm feeling a little disheartened by the usual media shlock leading up to Canada Day today. Comparisons to America, fond remembrances of the Dominion that we used to be, celebrations of multiculturalism, blah blah yeah we know. I actually don't know what I want from you but it can't just be this.

So here Skanks is the challenge. Today or tomorrow, weigh in with a sentence, phrase or concept that you know defines an individual characteristic of this great country. Something unique, something that if read by someone from another land, great question marks may arise. Please also keep in mind that I haven't left the house much in the last week due to radiation quarantine and I may be going insane by making such a request.

Okay I'm start:

"Wow, I thought that ace would ride but that left bower came out of nowhere. Guess we're euchred"

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We can smoke pot if we choose to; We can marry whoever we want male, or female; We don't succumb to pressure to support US wars; We have free health care and amazing social services; Our schools promote independant thought; We don't support capital punishment; The list goes on and on....

Oh yeah and Avril, Shenia and Celine. [Roll Eyes]

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Originally posted by Alexis:

Apathy. The ability to be so completely frustrated by any one thing or everything around you and be content to do absolutely nothing about it.

How perfect is that? Whether you think that is good or bad it accurately sums up the Canadian point of view for an awful lot of things. I was gonna post something very similar but you covered it quite well.

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