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Canadian Idol Starts Tonight!


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Is that you Claude?

You missed a killer CAIPS meeting. Claude was showing us a demo on his laptop and minimized the browser window to unintentionally reveal a huge picture of himself as his desktop wallpaper. It was a tremendous moment.

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back to the thread title...

the k-w auditions took place right across the street from my house. when we were driving by, backbacon saw someone groovin' it up & belting it out through one of the trailer windows.

the audition process is not quite as-seen-on-tv. you know all that footage of thousands of people lining up? that's not even the same day OR location as footage you see of people auditioning in front of the judges. they do the giant venue run with people auditioning in front of producers only, and then a select number of people go to a secret location on a different day to perform in front of the judges.

i might watch tonight to see a few weirdos. i've never been able to get into canadian idol. after 10 minutes i can't stand the judges or the singers & have to change the channel. it's no A/I! (which, until this season, i could barely stand)


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Is that you Claude?

You missed a killer CAIPS meeting. Claude was showing us a demo on his laptop and minimized the browser window to unintentionally reveal a huge picture of himself as his desktop wallpaper. It was a tremendous moment.

oh dang. that does sound like a good time.

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