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Wave Gotik Treffen - Leipsig, Germany


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I just received an email from my brother, hanging out at the premiere Goth Fest of the World, in Leipsig. He is currently mid-festival, but here are his comments so far...

This may be the craziest thing I have ever seen. Its a goth nation!! There are literally 10s of thousands of goths out on the streets, in the restaurants and shops and on the streetcars. Its as if someone finally gave them their own island! Its awesome.


We went out last night at like 1:30 am to a club and I have no idea when (or how) I got back, but I just woke up now after 3pm. I hadn't slept in days, so I hope that was a lot of sleep! (No idea). Before we went out I drank a bottle of wine (1.49 euros . . . And it was great!). We're allowed to drink walking down the streets, in malls, in stores . . . I seriously think I may have died and gone to goth heaven! Wait . . . Would that be hell? I love the fact that I have a ridiculously over priced room at the marriot. Its like once I get all fucked up I can come back and sleep on a cloud. Okay well I gotta stop typing because I am on my blackberry and dizzy with hangover...

This is awesome. Check it out at www.wave-gotik-treffen.com/english if you get a chance. Actually that site and the pics on it don't even scratch the surface! It is totally crazy!

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