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Now Magazine glorifies the use of Nitrous


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That is absolutely disgusting. I am very much against huffing, and this pisses me off. I have no problem with people doing what they want to themselves, but I find huffers to be the most obnoxious and in your face kind of druggie. What pisses me off most is the line about mixing with oxygen. When have you ever seen kids with a tank of nitrous and another tank of oxygen getting the mix just right? Unfreakinbelievable.

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Ahhh! I can feel the brain cells slowly die due to the lack of oxygen. There is a reason why Nitrous is often referred to as 'hippie-crack' and it aint because its good for you. I agree this article is pretty irresponsible, and say no Nitrous.

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of course nitrous isn't good for you but unless you're overdoing it it's not as bad as you may react to. just like anyhting with the proper restraint and attirude it's fine.

I just think that people don't know when to chill out and get a beer or glass of water instead of another balloon...because after all the high is very short lived.

I personally prefer other recreationals but telling people to NOT do a drug is the same as pressuring them TO do a drug.

I've seen what loads of nitrous and drugs do to people but why do you have to overdo it? when you overdo it you stop liking it, and often DISLIKE it...

I don't have a reason to not like much.

sure the article's pretty ridiculous but if you get a tank you can get a mix of O2 and N2O so at least it's telling you some truths.

the 'responsible adult jobs' line made me laugh.

that's the kind of argument i'd make in grade 8.

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Originally posted by Canned Beats:

of course nitrous isn't good for you but unless you're overdoing it it's not as bad as you may react to. just like anyhting with the proper restraint and attirude it's fine.

Actually, no. It is not fine even in small doses unless properly mixed with oxygen. Each hit kills the equivalent brain cells as a fierce punch to the head to all sides of your head at once. It is not going to kill you, but it does damage nonetheless.

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That's a pretty irresponsible piece of journalism. It's kind of like the way 'popular' reporting on MDA was laid out in the mid eighties, or even cocaine in the mid seventies.

Don't get me wrong, I've sucked down a few balloons in my day, but to make it seem as if it's harmless is wrong.

Back in the day before Phish was around, we would refer to someone who was convulsing because of too much N2O as doing the 'Fish".

All floppity-flop on the ground as if there wasn't enough oxygen gittin to the brain [Eek!]

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Brain Cell Regeneration Shows Hope for Repairs

Anna Nidecker, Senior Writer

Clinical Psychiatry News 26(12):23, 1998.


Brain cells continue to divide and regenerate in adulthood, suggesting that damage caused by injury and disease is reparable.

Postmortem examination of the brains of five cancer patients in their 50s, 60s, and 70s revealed evidence of neurogenesis, reported Dr. Peter S. Eriksson of the Institute of Neurology at Sahlgrenska University Hospital, Göteborg, Sweden, and his colleagues in Sweden and at the Salk Institute for Biological Studies in La Jolla, Calif. New neurons were found in the hippocampus, the brain's primary information processing area, and in the subventricular zone, which sends neurons out to the olfactory bulb.

Neurogenesis was documented by labeling cells with the nucleic acid analogue bromodeoxyuridine (BrdU). The five patients received injections of BrdU, which is used on an investigational basis to monitor the rapidity of cancer cell replication. BrdU only incorporates into the newly synthesized DNA of dividing cells, so its presence in cellular DNA indicates that these cells were created soon after the label was injected (Nat. Med. 4[11]:1313-17, 1998).

Proof 1


Brain Cells Found to Regenerate

Medical science has always presumed that brain cells killed by physical trauma, stroke or other disease cannot regenerate. Victims of such brain injuries faced no hope of growing new cells to fulfill the function of dead cells, leaving their brains permanently impaired.

However, a landmark study in late 1998 by researchers from Sweden and the Salk Institute in La Jolla, Calif., showed for the first time that brain cells in mature humans can regenerate. The research was reported in the November issue of Nature Medicine.

Brain cell regeneration had been observed before in some lower mammals, but not in humans, monkeys or apes. More complex brains, it was thought, would be severely disrupted by new cell growth.

Working with terminal cancer patients ranging in age from 50s to 70s, researchers used a diagnostic agent that labels actively dividing cells. After the patients died, their brains were examined for the presence of the agent, which attaches itself to the DNA of new cells.

Another Proof from the same study


Regeneration of Brain Cells

Dateline: 10/21/99

For almost one hundred years, it has been a mantra of biology - brain cells do not regenerate. In a startling discovery that could have profound implications for treating brain disorders and injuries, researchers at Princeton University have discovered that new neurons are continually being added to the brains of adult monkeys. The neurons are added to the cerebral cortex of the brain.

The cerebral cortex is the most complex part of the brain and scientists were startled to find neuron formation in this "high" brain area. The cerebral cortex is responsible for higher level decision making and learning.

The researchers found the formation of new nerve cells, a process called neurogenesis, in three areas of the cerebral cortex:

Prefrontal region which controls decision making.

Inferior temporal region which plays a role in visual recognition.

Posterior parietal region which plays a role in 3D representation.

The researchers believe that these results call for a fundamental reassessment of the development of the primate brain. For almost a century, scientists have believed that primate brains do not regenerate or add new neurons after maturity. It was a fundamental tenet of neuroscience that the brain could not repair itself or grow new cells. In recent years, scientists have begun to chip away at the dogma as previous research has shown that other areas of the brain such as the hippocampus add new neurons.

Final Proof

So there is a hope for us burnt out folk.

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Originally posted by LSD25:

Ahhh! I can feel the brain cells slowly die due to the lack of oxygen. There is a reason why Nitrous is often referred to as 'hippie-crack' and it aint because its good for you...

Neither is drinkin' 2 dozen beers, throwin' back a handful of pills or smokin' a bag of nuggets but alot of folks prescribe to that medicine on a pretty regular basis ... everything in moderation I always say.

If you've got anything else to add I'll be hangin' out behind this dumpster over here!!!

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Hey Secondtube, none of that evidence had anything to do with oxygen being cut-off from the brain. It's about cancer and severe brain damage from accidents, not loser Phisheads and poser ravers inhaling balloons. A friend of mine got a bee sting in the neck, and he's still a vegetable. And he was a good guy. Past tense intentional.

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of course none of us are today where we could be if we'd never put anything damagin into our bodies. what is the saying 'it's bad for you' going to do for you or anyone else?

we all know it's not good for you but i'm not going to fry my brain or die from a balloon or two. i think that unless it were a nitrous party and i had a whole tank to myself that i'd be huffin for prolonged periods of time.

i think we're all intelligent enough to know that it's not a positive thing to do. name one recreational drug or substance that does no harm to the body. you can't. even weed affects the brain. I'm not saying 'go fuck yourself up'

anyhow, in response to tonyrage: most people around here that get tanks have it premixed with O2...i'd assume oxygen is cheaper than nitrous anyhow isn't it? it'd keep em comin back for more balloons

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