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FREE BONAROO TICKETS for pickup in Vancouver


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not a joke, i have 2 free tickets to Bonnaroo at my desk right now. they are most certainly real, and if someone is able to get to TN this weekend (hahaha) or knows someone who is going and could use them (festival is sold out) AND can come pick them up from me, they're theirs....first person to email me at boucherATslfaDOTcom.


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I'm pretty sure the tickets are still there, and a friend of mine is flying from Vancouver to Toronto tomorrow, and would probably get these for you if you're in Toronto and want 'em. If someone reaches me in time, I can probably arrange something for you...

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ahhh...I would have happily taken them, but we're leaving in the morning...although we could courier them overnight the the hotel we're staying in Nashville... I could def. sell them and make back some money to pay for the rental car...hmmm..think it would get there by friday morning?

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I wouldn't bank on overnight to the US.

I think I will go as far as to get my friend to help out a lucky person, but that's about it. My friend will, however, meet anyone interested at the Toronto airport tomorrow night; but I need a reply soon.

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If he really wants to get rid of them I'll happily take them with a FedEx guaranteed overnight delivery of 8am to Tennessee. I''d obviously pick up the courier tab...otherwise I think getting into Toronto at 8pm he may just eat them. I could guarantee at least one goes to a cute girl looking for a miracle :)

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The tickets are actually being offered by someone who I only know from another board. My friend would be going to get them from her, and then bringing them to Toronto. He and I are just trying to help make this happen, because we hate to see tickets go to waste, but they aren't his or mine.

(I don't think anyone paid for the tickets, either, because the person offering them is in the entertainment biz, and often gets promo tickets.)

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ahh i see...well if you can't get them to anyone tonight, please fwd on my email address to the person in question and I'd be happy to arrange to take them off their hands...I'll be here until 6am EST

uenjoymyself AT gmail DOT com

thx mr MTN. :)

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