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I've decided that the next time I encounter any semblance of aggressive interaction I will immediately punch the aggressor as hard as I can in the face.

I've never attempted this strategy before, but I think it might work.

Nothing really set this off, just thought I'd share a thought!

Be nice to me at Bluesfest people.

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Weirdly enough, Todd, for some reason this topic just came up between me and my SCUBA instructor. Apparently his Dad is an ex-biker. He recommends that if you're ever surrounded by a bunch of guys, so you're outnumbered, the only strategy that works is to knock the guy who's talking on his ass before he finishes talking. Invariably, this causes the others to leave.

I'll let you know how it works out the next time I'm swarmed.

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I've decided that the next time I encounter any semblance of aggressive interaction I will immediately punch the aggressor as hard as I can in the face.

Might I suggest using your elbow or possibly throwing a head butt. Hands tend to break easier than you would think.

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Franti has the same effect on me, too.

He is an odd performer, though. We caught a little of him tonight as we were walking around downtown (hard to miss - helluva PA they've got there), and every time he'd say something really poignant or you'd think he'd reached his audience with some candid or sincere reflection on the fragility of the human condition, he'd come out wailing with one of his HOWYAFEELING?!!s. Is he deliberately trying to be ironic, or keep the mood light, or is he just stoking people's latent tendencies towards said skinhead, fascistic violence?

[edit to add] - perhaps inspired by Velvet's razor adventures last weekend, I lost the beard this afternoon (first time in almost a decade). Will have to see if I am in fact feeling more violent in the morning. I'll try to keep news of anything I get into out of the back pages of the Ottawa South Weekender.

Edited by Guest
forgot the scientific experiment part
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