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Ode to a 'Little Dude' named 'Studebacher'


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Ode to a "Little Dude" named "Studebacher"

He lived in Orleans

When we first met.

A tiny little guy;

And a neglected pet.

Not allowed indoors

Fearing weather and dogs

He had to fend for himself;

Mainly living on frogs.

He leapt into my arms

A love-starved young thing.

Buried face in my armpit

Caused a tug at the heart-string.

I named him “Little Dudeâ€

And promised some day

That I would return

And whisk him away.

“Little Dude’s†liberation day

Finally came.

I arrived at his home.

I called out his name.

“Little Dude†came running

And leapt up to me

We made our getaway

And went directly to CC.

That was the beginning

Of a fourteen-year run

With CC (later “Velvetâ€)

And “Little Dude†as one.

He was dubbed Stude

-bacher Hoch, the cat

Velvet and he lived

Together after that.

Through good times and bad;

Together to the end

Velvet and Studebacher

Were each other's best friend.

On July 11,


That all ended

And we will all miss

That cute, little face

That big attitude

And I’ll never forget

That great “Little Dudeâ€

RIP Studebacher Hoch circa 1988-July 11, 2006

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Nice poem. Says a lot.

Losing pets totally sucks . . . but 14 years isn't too bad at all. There is an age in every creatures life where we must admit to ourselves "Thank you for today, but tomorrow is statistically unlikley". 14 is very close to that for a cat, even more so if they spend time outside. It was a timely death, it was a natural death and, after being reborn with Velvet, he certainly lived a full and loved life.

Goodbye Mr. Hoch . . . a great cat and friend.

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Thank you again and again my friend.

I ran back into a burning building to save the little fucker, without a thought. I learned a lot about me and the Hoch that morning. He played a part in almost everything I did between third year of university and now, and that's a lot of shit. He didn't say much, but he said the right things at the right times.

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Twice. Twice I believe you ran into a burning building you spaz....just kidding I tried the same thing for Wilson.

Nice ode to the little dude.

He stood up to Wilson allways. He knew I had a key to Todds place and would come to my door to get me to let him in. Ha hed try and catch the bus with me on my way to work(gees that was funny trying to trick the Hoch)....cool cat, good neighbor no doubts.

Nice to hear more of his story.

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