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Lips - Syracuse


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So, I am sitting here trying to wind down from one of the greatest sets of music I have ever witnessed. About two hours ago we walked into our apartment, having returned from the Sonic Youth – Ween – Flaming Lips gig in Syracuse. I was the designated driver and pounded a little caffeine into my system for the 3 and a half hour drive. Not only that, I had been suffering from allergies since midnight and took some pills to combat my sinuses once I got home, but they were non-drowsy ones, so the vodka has been busted out and its time to waste before I become delirious from legal substances.

Simply put, the Lips just performed one of the best sets of music I have ever seen. This was the first time I have been in front of the band and my expectations ranged from huge to middling to appalling. Douglas and I have loved their music since being introduced to Yoshimi Battles The Pink Robots via Kung’s incessant ramblings about its merits. Respectively speaking, I have to thank him for that as much as I have to thank Sneaky Pete and DogAtTheStation for their turns at getting me into The Grateful Dead and Radiohead. Part of me was apprehensive because a few of my extremely closest friends in this life, whose tastes I will never question, abhorred what they witnessed at moe-down a few years ago. One went so far as to say that they went in assuming to become the greatest Lips fan in the world but came out wondering why they are so loved in a live setting.

That being said, a number of them walked away either loving that gig or extremely liking it. I suppose it was almost half and half in the end but I would venture a guess that most seemed to not care for it, using the baseline data gathered. So what happened tonight? Did I get lucky or am I a completely uneducated fool right now? I cant answer those questions and don’t want to. More often than not, I like things explained so that they fit tightly in their respective definitions. All I know is that my pen couldn’t write fast enough as I took notes for a future review while the shit-eating grin on my face isn’t going anywhere for some time.


Skanks, go see the Lips in Toronto on September 9th. I hope the venue suits their show well because if it does, bring diapers. I hope those attending Osheaga get a similar experience to what I found this evening. It’s going to be a much larger venue as well as the possibility of wet conditions (fingers crossed that wont happen), but please…watch and listen. Fuck everything else around you.

Well, I have to figure out how to fall asleep in the next hour before I ruin my Saturday. At least I am no longer sneezing or have that terrible sinus headache. So, I got that going for me. As for those at CTMF, moedown and Osheaga, I truly hope bad weather doesn’t become a part of your adventures. If it does, bear with it and do what you have to do to still have a good time.

Oh, one more thing. I can’t see how downloading tonight’s show would ever help relive what I experienced this evening. I never thought I would say that about a tape. Obviously I will do it if I see it online. What’s a little bandwidth and the cost of a couple of blanks amongst friends? Thanks for this time.

Refreshingly delirious,



Thanks Sunshine and Douglas for such a great day and big props to Gateaux for literally STOPPING his drinking so that he may be a wing-man on the drive back. Duly impressed lad. Most impressed am I. Thanks so much. It was easy to stay awake talking with you.

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Thanks for the review Booche... I have been in Love with this band for quite some time and their shows never seem to coincide when im available so unfortunately no V fest for me next weekend... Yoshimi to me is one of the greatest works of art that I have in my collection... while i did see them on a side stage in 96 at Edenfest it definitely wasnt what they are today...

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I had fair warning and invitations from Andre to join in, but I had already made plans for saturday, and didn't think I'd be able to do it all.

i thought the moe.down performance kicked flaming ass, and I remember standing beside Wayne while he was checking out the JSB in the side tent.

I always wanted to see them again, but was hoping for something a little more local (OTTAWA!?)

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First I want to say - THANKS BOOCHE FOR STAYING SOBER, so we could drive back the same night.

WHAT A SHOW!!!!!! I was sooooooooo happy when Ween hit the stage. I couldn't stand still and I couldn't wipe the grin off my face!!! They even make my feet sweat I was sooooo excited.

It was my first time seeing the Flamming Lips and I was very impressed. They put on a great show. BALLOONS, BALLOONS, BALLOONS.....it's like they brought out my inner child. I was running around catching balloons and mesmerized by them in the air. I love when someone/ something is able to make me feel that way.

Besides Ween and the Lips I must admit the 3rd best part of the evening was the Ferris Wheel - Douglas and Gateaux were very brave ;););) Thank god Booche and I were there to hold their hands!! :P

Good Times with Good friends ---

YAY WEEN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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My cheeks hurt from smiling and I partially lost my voice from singing so much.

What a great trip. The show was amazing....I felt like I was Alice down the rabbit hole...dancing santas and superheros, singing nun puppets and all kinds of other silly madness. And yes, the baloons.....ah the baloons....

Mel and I topped off the night riding the rides....tilt a whirl, big ferris wheel and lotsa upsidedown rollercoaster action. What a night.

P.S...Booche et Gateaus...where's da pics?

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