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Cherry beach busted!


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Well, apparently, about 100 hundred hippies having a picnic on a secluded area of a public beach with no sound system, a few hand drummers and one 30 min. performance by Maracatu Nunca Antes (Brazilian drum group) warranted 5 cruisers, 4 bike cops, a by-law officer complete with truck, a patty wagon and 3 riot horses to bust at ~9:00 p.m.. Not only was this a disgusting misappropriation of public funds (think Double time and a half for all officers) who I'm sure were more needed elsewhere in the city but it raises questions about what rights we have as responsible tax paying citizens to enjoy public property. You can read more/see pictures on



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Well, if the catalyst was a 911 call from a scared individual reporting a large disturbance, the force they sent was justified. Note that I'm not saying the force they sent was justified for what was really going on, but the police (and other emergency services) assume the worst, and they don't get second chances.



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There was no 911 call, the by-law officer was there all day and the police were there at 6:00 p.m., one officer. They then careful planned their "presentation of force" with the sole purpose of intimidation. Not even a pre-emptive strike since the beach was under constant surveillance from the beginning and absolutely no probable cause was observed by the officers present. There were families having picnics, people playing board games and hanging out at the beach. It was not a teenage keg party.It was clearly a political statement to appease certain individuals. The police who were there were all professionals and friendly and made it obvious that they saw no threat and simply had to do their jobs.

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In plain view, yes. As far as alcohol there would not have been more than any other part of any public beach in Toronto, the only difference being that the individuals at this particular section of the beach refrained from drinking the alcohol they had with them due to the police presence and hence did not violate any laws in the eyes of the police.

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I should add that I didn't see any drugs in plain view and I assume from the general vibe I got from the people I talked with that no one was stupid enough to do so within sight of the police. Maybe they did see something but to my knowledge no one was arrested and I think that the Sargent in charge would have mentioned that to me when I questioned his rationale for removing us from public property.

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Guest Low Roller

Playing devil's advocate here just for fun, can I assume that, on top of the drugs in plain view, there was no permit issued by the city to have this gathering/concert?

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Ya, I was answering your question with the stipulation, in plain view. I should have said "Yes, it would be a stretch to assume that there were a bunch of drugs at this gathering, in plain view that is." I can't comment on what people had on their persons for obvious reasons. The only thing here that is relevant is what powers the police have with respect to search and seizure. No probable cause, no search.

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I have to defend the police who were there as human beings, they were good guys and gals who didn't enjoy having to do what they did. The problem lies with the all too apparent influence that private individuals with wealth have over the administration of both a public institution such as the Toronto Police Services and in their agenda superceding the rights of a majority.

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The problem lies with the all too apparent influence that private individuals with wealth have over the administration of both a public institution such as the Toronto Police Services and in their agenda superceding the rights of a majority.

Now it's getting interesting.

I wonder what the land value is on the Toronto Islands anyway? People certainly have the right to live there, but they try to treat it like they have this inherent right to quiet over there because there's no cars and all the houses look like cottages. If you want to live in a cottage, move to Muskoka.

I live on Queen St. and it can get noisy, if I were to call the cops to complain about it (not that I would cuz I cause a lot of the afore mentioned noise) they'd laugh at me. Maybe even tell me to move if I don't like it.

Here's a tip to T.O. Islanders, "Noise travels across water...duh"

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I don't know if the Islanders have that much power, given how precarious their situation gets from time to time. But I'm sure things are way more complicated than I could suss out.

I do like, as you say, that the cops were at least decent about it, in that "just doin' my job, ma'am" sort of way. Makes me think of Bob Weir in Festival Express - "Toronto cops are boss, man!" (which he then goes on to say is a bit of a stretch for the likes of him).

(Lest anyone jump on that, yes, some TO cops are total pricks, too.)

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Just out of curiosity, how many is 100 hundred? Is it ten thousand? ie. 100x100 :P sorrry, couldn't resist. I have to admit that the police likely had a very small yet valid reason to be there. In most cites, noise bylaws can be enforced at any time of day, which I found out last week when the police hammered on my door at 2:30 pm for listening to swing music. My "stereo" is not particularly powerful either. I also live in one of the lowest rent buildings in Brantford so I know it's not the political clout of my neighbours that got the police here. Face it, if you're having fun and someone else isn't, it's probably illegal.

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