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Let's All Hate Toronto


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This Toronto based film-maker, calling himself Mr. Toronto, has been touring the country the past year and putting together footage for a CBC documentary called "Let's All Hate Toronto", focusing on the national pastime of Toronto-dissing. He goes from city to city hosting a Toronto Appreciation Day, and records the results, which are often quite hilarious. His last Toronto Appreciation Day event was held on Labour Day at the annual TiCats/Argos pre-game party in Scott Park. I can't wait to see this!

Check out his blog here:


edit: For the record, I like Toronto. I also enjoy the tradition of good spirited rivalry between Toronto and Hamilton. Taken with a large grain of salt, it should be a fun film to see.

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1) toronto is the best city this country has.

2) montreal snobs who think montreal is so cool ...and that they are some how cooler for being from montreal becasue they wear tight dark jeans and converse sneakers with scarfs and pretend to enjoy wine make me want to vomit. HOWS THAT FOR A SENTENCE you FRANCAPHONE WANNABE POUTINE DOUCHES??

3) a rivelry between hamilton and toronto?? um...for there to be a rivelry, there must be a mutual respect and competition between the two sides.... toronto has no respect for hamilton...infact, nobody has respect for hamilton.

4) vancouver?? me no speaka chiney.

toronto is a world class city...the rest is bullshit. EAT SHIT CANADA.

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"people in toronto aren't friendly"

wah wah wah...

listen, thats because people in toronto are more important.

u smiled at the guy in a business suit on the corner of Bay St and he didn't smile back???

boo hoo....

listen, that guy is probably dealing with millions upon millions of others people's money...people who are more important than your stupid smile. this guy is probably stressed and has an ulcer...his wife is probably cheating on him...and he knows it...so when he doesn't smile back..its not because toronto isn't friendly...its just most people in toronto don't have enough "karma" to own an organic candle store and we don't have time to talk about that 5 months we spent in bali......so fack aff, and keep walkin hippie.

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A favourite line from a favourite Cockburn tune:

"Oh, Jesus, don't let Toronto take my song away..."

Funny place. I love my friends there, and there are a million and one things to do if you have the time and money, but if you don't watch it, it'll grind you up and spit you out.

But I expect that's true of any city. What is civilisation (viz. the organisation of people into cities) but a big pyramid scheme. What better way has ever been concocted for so many people to rip one another off with impunity?

Sorry - must be that day before Monday again.

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Toronto is a world class city in every respect. I have travelled to many cities worldwide and Toronto is still at the very top. It is safe, has lots of culutre, diversity, accessability and is generally tolerant. This cannot said for most American cities of a similar size and can certainly not be said of small Canadian towns, which are generally backward thinking and insular.

People outside Toronto (in Canada) hate Toronto, becuase they hate big cities, 'cause cities scare them. Problem is without Toronto the country would collapse. Torotonian tax dollars run this nation, in a real way.

In the reverse I was raised in the GTA and lived my life here. I abhore small towns and small town thinking and the pace of life there. Cool to visit for a vacation, but wouldn't want to live there. Nor do I want to know everyone in town, or talk to them everytime I pass them on the street. The anonimity in Toronto is very liberating.

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1) toronto is the best city this country has.

2) montreal snobs who think montreal is so cool ...and that they are some how cooler for being from montreal becasue they wear tight dark jeans and converse sneakers with scarfs and pretend to enjoy wine make me want to vomit. HOWS THAT FOR A SENTENCE you FRANCAPHONE WANNABE POUTINE DOUCHES??

3) a rivelry between hamilton and toronto?? um...for there to be a rivelry, there must be a mutual respect and competition between the two sides.... toronto has no respect for hamilton...infact, nobody has respect for hamilton.

4) vancouver?? me no speaka chiney.

toronto is a world class city...the rest is bullshit. EAT SHIT CANADA.

hey asshole. have you been to Ottawa, Victoria, Vancouver, Halifax, Quebec City, Charolottetown, Kingston, or the multiple cities that I've never been to, or remember the names of? Canada is not all about the Toronto/Hamilton corridor you stupid little piece of shit.

BTW, I just had fun typing out those derrogatory comments, and I didn't really mean them. Still though, I hope you're joking too.

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alright..here goes:

ottawa: no body cares man.

Victoria: the gayest city in north america...even San Fran is calling you guys sissies.

Vancouver: refer to first post.... safe injection centres eh?? inject this...bitch.

Halifax: lets get sloppy drunk and lose our jobs!!!

Quebec City: the horses shit in the streets but you couldn't smell it over all the bullshit in the air. FUCK YOU, your onion soup tastes like my arm pit.

Chorolottetown: mutants. honestly.

Kingston: the first of the two cities you pass on your way to montreal. the second ofcourse, being ottawa. wait a minute....is kingston even a city??? i always thought it was a prison town.

CALGARY, EDMONTON, REGINA and ETC: did some distant relative just die??? because some one just said "we're going to (insert city name here)".

lets face it, toronto is in a class of it own.

It is a city that is on par with NYC and LONDON as far as culture, communty, power, entertainment, importance etc...it just doesn't get the respect it deserves.

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1) toronto is the best city this country has.

2) montreal snobs who think montreal is so cool ...and that they are some how cooler for being from montreal becasue they wear tight dark jeans and converse sneakers with scarfs and pretend to enjoy wine make me want to vomit. HOWS THAT FOR A SENTENCE you FRANCAPHONE WANNABE POUTINE DOUCHES??

3) a rivelry between hamilton and toronto?? um...for there to be a rivelry, there must be a mutual respect and competition between the two sides.... toronto has no respect for hamilton...infact, nobody has respect for hamilton.

4) vancouver?? me no speaka chiney.

toronto is a world class city...the rest is bullshit. EAT SHIT CANADA.

Exhibit "A" of why toronto sucks. Dude can't even spell francophone, let alone understand it.

Note, the 2 mentions of "world class city" in one thread. It's almost as if the toronto school system has included it in it's curriculum.

T.O. has never failed to disappoint. Soul-less (see Cockburn lyrics), self-important (see Dima) and utterly unimpressive. I've probably been there 50+ times and honestly don't have a single memory of it appearing to be "world class" in any way shape or form. It's the Ikea of cities.

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Toronto's a good town with excellent neighbourhoods, especially areas like Riverdale/Danforth, Bloor West Village, The Annex, Little Italy, Kensington Market, Yorkville, St. Lawrence Market etc...

I also like the city's diversity, active and thriving night life and music scene. The restaurants are excellent too.

However, I find the generic and generalized hate understandable and I agree with a lot of it. What really sucks about Toronto is the self-rightousness air and car-dependency rooted in the horribly destructive suburban wastelands that surround Toronto's core.

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If all of our cities were the same, things would get mighty boring...

Maybe that's what it is about - that they are more similar than different, and people squibble over the little differences.

I remember when we were in Japan way back when, and NHK, one of the big networks, ran a string of little contests to see which of Tokyo or Osaka was the "better" city - things like how fast people walked during rush-hour, and so on. Pretty embarrassing, imo.

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I abhore small towns and small town thinking and the pace of life there. Cool to visit for a vacation, but wouldn't want to live there. Nor do I want to know everyone in town, or talk to them everytime I pass them on the street. The anonimity in Toronto is very liberating.

wow, i feel sorry for you!

can i please ask what the FUCK is "small town thinking" and what exactly there is to "ABHOR" about the pace of life in a small town??

Mighty big judgement there fella. One strike against Toronto, in my books.

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Toronto is a beautiful city. I love going there. It's access to culture and diversity is a gift.

I'm proud to be from Hamilton. The people here are the salt of the earth - unpretentious and big hearted with a wicked sense of humour.

I am glad I grew up in a small town and could go to the small town grocer, the small town butcher, the small town hemp store, the modest libraries and schools, the parks, the diversity of architecture, the winding streets and little rivers.

I love being able to drive fifteen minutes in one direction and suddenly I am surrounded by farmland and open skies.

I think Dima has a lot of growing up to do.

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