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Good shows in the vicinity of Ottawa this weekend?


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Whoa..........thanks BradM.

You're welcome. I didn't mention the TJH show because it conflicts with the WTTS/IJ show (and as a member of IJ, I have a vested interest in promoting our show), but I feel honour-bound to help ensure people who want to see TJH end up going to the right venue.

Curse you, schedule conflicts! :(



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According to


controller .controller’s sound is an energetic, rhythmic post-punk rock, taking a cue from late 70's/early 80's bands like P.I.L., The Slits and Joy Division, but departing significantly from there. It's about tension and opposition, juxtaposing discordant and jagged rhythms with disarmingly pretty melody and counter-melody. They wed propulsive, angular rock structures with minimalist death-disco accents and grooves that seductively embrace sometimes sweet and sometimes barking vocals.

No, I don't know what all that means.



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Shit I didn't delete that in time!

That was actually me... sorry. I'll be there. Dave will be playing with Mr. A.

They put on a great show at Bluesfest. So far their music hasn't changed my life but they're totally into their rocker roles, have all the rockstar moves and amuse me fully as singer batts her eyelashes and spins on her heals, while bassist falls to the ground in shredding mania. I'll be covering it for Jambase.

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Controller Controller Friday. I'll be there...

Are they good?

I've heard from a few people that they are painfully horrific. I do like the name.

I saw them at Bluesfest and disliked them for all the reasons KitKat liked them. ;)

Really? You didn't like them at all?

Truthfully I wouldn't pay to see them unless I was bored and had $$ to spare. But there are a lot of bands I'd go see for free and they're one of them. They're fantastic to photograph because they totally do it up. I didn't dislike the music, I enjoyed it but at Bluesfest it didn't compare to how much I enjoyed the New Pornographers.

Ollie - you dont enjoy a band's 'show' at all? You only care about the music? On the music/show scale I'm about a 80/20 split.

Thats why I love Umphrey's McGee so much. They're totally incredible musicians and they put on such a awesome show.

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Really? You didn't like them at all?

Truthfully I wouldn't pay to see them unless I was bored and had $$ to spare. But there are a lot of bands I'd go see for free and they're one of them. They're fantastic to photograph because they totally do it up. I didn't dislike the music, I enjoyed it but at Bluesfest it didn't compare to how much I enjoyed the New Pornographers.

Ollie - you dont enjoy a band's 'show' at all? You only care about the music? On the music/show scale I'm about a 80/20 split.

Thats why I love Umphrey's McGee so much. They're totally incredible musicians and they put on such a awesome show.

To be fair I only saw about 15 minutes of their set but they left a bad taste in my mouth. I thought they were "faking the funk" so to speak, posing for the sake of posing without having earned the rock credentials to do so. In short, I wasn't buying what they were selling. I feel even more confident in this opinion after having recently seen Wolf Parade, about the only band I have seen lately that has the rock equivalent of "it".

Interesting that you mention New Pornographers because when I was watching them on the same stage later that night I thought how refreshingly unpretentious they presented themselves in comparison to Controller Controller.

Fuck, maybe I'm just old.

I enjoy a band's "show" a lot! I don't know about a percentage split but I take in the overall experience when evaluating a concert. I might even put less emphasis on the music than most. It wasn't the music I disliked about CC, it was everything.

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Its true - Controller Controller are exceptionally talented posers (as were many of their fans...not sure if you noticed...)

Yeah - The New Pornographers. They were freaking brilliant and I agree, very refreshing. I'd love to see them again. They and Jamie Lidell were my highlights of Bluesfest.

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Its true - Controller Controller are exceptionally talented posers (as were many of their fans...not sure if you noticed...)

Yeah - The New Pornographers. They were freaking brilliant and I agree, very refreshing. I'd love to see them again. They and Jamie Lidell were my highlights of Bluesfest.

Jamie Lidell is the freakin' SHEEEAT!!

Such stage presence and talent taboot...to think he'd been not using his voice for all these years making minimal techno...not that there's anything wrong with that :)

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Controller.Controller just burns me in a bad way...I can't put my finger on it but it reminds me of Metric if Metric really truly (I'm sure to some of you this is already true) didn't write good music.

Everytime I hear them on CKCU the hairs on my neck standup in a bad way

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