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the interim west coast board?


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I am really glad to see this board picking up some steam. For far too long, I was essentially speaking to myself on this board, and I am happy to see that, even in my absence for the last couple of weeks, the posts keep flowing.

Keep it coming West Coasters. I need to know what's going on out there. I miss the Best Coast already.

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huh? i'm suprised that people DON'T use this board out here, stoney. I appreciate the shows that Derek brings to Vancouver but the upstream board isn't nearly as nice - mostly because it's ezboard, and derek is focused on being a promoter.

I hope that keither puts up a site though. I've gone to way more bonfire shows than upstream gigs. As far as the Jam Scene in vancouver's moving, I haven't really seen anybody supporting the talent that's building the scene up from the ground level other than keither.

I'm glad that there's finally some competition in Van.

I'm looking forward to the breakfast and pnuma trio...as well as the NFTT&Slowcoaster show.

Not too much else is on my plate. i'm too broke to see much else and i'm glad i already got my tix for the breakfast and halloween shows.

too bad i'll miss dylan.

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Looks like there are fine things brewing.

i found this on the upstream board and was appalled to see that posts that have no offensive content are still being deleted.

" Just wondering? I posted earlier about free Herbaliser tickets with the purchase of a Breakfast ticket, but my string seems to have been deleted. I got a response from Scoobie (well met, and thank you).

Do posts on this message board have a shelf life? Or did I say something wrong? Don't want to ruffle any feathers.

I wish to meet new freaky folks in the hood, figuring this would be a great forum to do it. But if my posts dissappear, the likelihood of this happening seems to be diminished."

Too bad the west coast heads are specifically looking to not ruffle feathers.

It's not my intention but it's really unfortunate to see that kind of thing happening.

Looking forward to some good times this season!

Hope there aren't any hard feelings.

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I just read this, after replying to your PT. Now I see what's going on.

Too bad, really.

Certainly no hard feelings. I'm friends with both of BC's jammy promoters, and the independent guy who sponsored Bonfire Fest is an old friend. I'm not choosing sides.

On the upside, weirdness on the Upstream board might just cause this little board to gain more popularity...

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Absolutely. And I think the bonfire site might have a messageboard of its own.

Really though I hope this site gets more popular. I love the site design. It's definitely an amazing place to post/read, even though this forum isn't where the action is.

I'm merely stirring the pot. It's not me that threw in the flavours and cooked down the odours.

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ever heard the term, if you can't say anything nice, don't say anything at all? Your behaviour makes you look like an ass, and for someone new to town, you are not doing a very good job at making friends, even though you appear to be desparate to make them...

Also, on another note, and reply to your thread about being APPALLED: upstream has been bringing shows to town for a hell of alot longer that you've been around, and if not for them, most of us would be sad and musically deprived. Thank goodness for the wonderful community we have built up, and cheers to upstream for bringing so much great music to town. That being said, the more promoters the better, since it really is about the music and not some silly competition.

If you don't like it canned beats, maybe you should head back to where you came from!

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