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Dr. Seth and Uncle Huxtable


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Dr. Seth and Uncle Huxtable invaded Reilly's Thursday night with their "Rolling Blender Review".

Unfortunatley many of the fine moments have faded away now. But I did particlurarly enjoy the final blender set, with such tunes as: "Superstitious" and, "I know you rider". Of course I can't forget that China cat tease that left me with blue ears. Seth and Huxable (lite) play very well together!

Thanks for the music! Special thanks to MusicFace for the hookup!

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Hey folks! Just got back from 4 extremely sick days of music south of the border (Blues Traveler in Cleveland and Phish at Deer Creek... more on those later.) travelling pretty much straight from the last night of Seth/Hux in Ottawa to the States with BradM & Jeff from Uncle Seth.

Anyway, we had an absolutely amazing time playing with the Huxtable clan, and seeing so many skanks and other great folks out in Toronto, Hamilton and Ottawa. At some point soon I'll post setlists from the Uncle Seth sets at least as well as hopefully the jam sets if I can dig them up. In the mean, here's a few random musical memories:

  • Jamming with Hux acoustic for three straight nights - every night was a treat but thebest jam for me personally was "Back On The Train" in Ottawa.
  • Hearing Ms. Hux sing "Oh Darling" for three straight nights! [big Grin]
  • Having the Hux song "Jamaica" stuck in my head for the whole next day after leaving Ottawa.
  • Walking offstage at the end of "Wishing", the last song of the Uncle Seth set in Toronto, with the guitar and harp loops still ringing out - we hadn't ever done that before and actually didn't plan it, I just put my gear down at the end of the song and everybody followed a la Peter Gabriel at the end of "Biko" or "Signal To Noise"
  • The first night jam in Toronto, teaching our bass player Attila the songs between the sets, then getting onstage having only rehearsed the tunes together for the first time that afternoon, glancing over at Dr. Hux with a "well, here goes nothing" look, and pulling it off against the odds!
  • Hamilton - worst set opener in a while for Seth with "Destination", sloppy and lacking energy. Tara pipes up and says "I think I know what's wrong." She then proceeds to ask all the boys onstage what colour & style underware they have on (Tara has an underware thing) and we then proceed to tear up the rest of the set. Gotta go with what works...
  • The jam set in Hamilton was possibly the strongest, even including the some-what ill-advised but extraordinarily fun "Hurricane" with Jeff, Dr. Hux and myself trading verses. As Jeff said in the car later "when you start into that song, it's 11 verses and you have to do them all... I think that's more commitment than any of us have in the rest of our lives." I think that inspired Tara and Ms. Hux to get up and kick everyone's asses on a great duet of "Superstition".
  • Ottawa - yet another bass player who doesn't know the tunes! Went back to the Doc's apparent where he furiously scribbled illegible notes that where his crib sheets for our songs, all the while balancing various mood-altering substances in his hands and telling us "don't worry, I'll remember how this goes, what's the name of the song again?" Incredibly, his infamous road debauchery not withstanding, Dr. Huxtable is a consummate pro once you get him onstage, and it turns out he's a damn good bass player as well as guitar player. Thanks again for sitting in for the Seth set bro!
  • Okay, not a musically memory, but the look on Low Roller's face when he thought he had beaten Booche in the Jäger drinking contest, only to gag back up half a shot! The sadness in his face will live with me always... and I don't think it was from loosing, I think it was the realization that he'd wasted half a free shot!
  • The last night jam at the end - a great last second call to open with "Tangled Up In Blue". Bouche proves he is not only one sexy-web-geek-mofo, but also a great electric guitar player - who knew?!?

There you have it, my random recollections from three days of fun with some of the finest kind I can think of riding along for a great musical adventure. We'll have to do this again folks! [big Grin][big Grin][big Grin]


Mr. M.

P.S. CH, thanks for the kind words as usual, you rule man! FYI I think the tunes you're referring to are "Bits On Tim" and "Wishing". If you're interested we've got downloads at:



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Oh man, I don't know why, but at the Toronto show I so badly wanted to hear "Tangled up in Blue". I guess there was something about the sound that made me think you guys could play it. But I wasn't sure if you guys did in fact know it, plus I didn't want to be 'that guy' shouting out requests... Man I can't believe I missed the *BEST* song ever!

Not to mention, 'Hurricane' would have been pretty awsome too.

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Originally posted by CyberHippie:

Oh man, I don't know why, but at the Toronto show I so badly wanted to hear "Tangled up in Blue".

Yeh, we actually do that one quite a bit - probably one of the best versions was at CTMF May (show link above). Don't worry CB, see us a couple more times and I guarantee you'll get one... [Wink]

- M.

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Yo-ho! I just put up the setlists from all three nights (for the Uncle Seth & jam sets) on our website, check 'em out if you're interested:

ALSO these are pretty much from memory and some scribbled notes 'cus we changed things so much each night from the original lists (such as they were in the first place) so if anyone from the bands or the audience has corrections, please feel free to let me know!


Mr. M.

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