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Nero comments and fact checking


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Okay I am just wrapping up an article on Lauzon for the Echo Weekly and wanted to know if anyone had any thoughts off the top of their head about nero's legacy as well as some fact checking.

What was nero's last show?

Why is McConnery so cute and cuddly?

What highlights of their career would you identify other than Evolve, moe.down and say the Phil after show?

nero's lower case right?

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What was nero's last show?

nero2004-12-31, at Mavericks in Ottawa.

Why is McConnery so cute and cuddly?

I suspect it's because he vents any aggression he may have on the drum kit, leaving a pure c'n'c being for the rest of us to enjoy.

What highlights of their career would you identify other than Evolve, moe.down and say the Phil after show?

The run of shows they did opening for moe. in fall 2003 (Toronto, Ottawa, Montreal, and Burlington, VT, IIRC) was a highlight. I also think that the pair of shows they did at Cafe Dekcuf in Ottawa in November, 2004 (nero2004-11-05 and nero2004-11-06) were a highlight.

nero's lower case right?

As far as I know, yes.



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stripper lesbians!! oh wait that should be lesbian strippers

and the dancing old man (not booche), on some random Tues night

as for a legacy, for me personally it pulled together the ottawa scene, from the brink one might even say and brought together a lot of the people i know today

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stripper lesbians w/ one armed harmonica man was definitely a career highlight.

seriously... moe.down/moe run, the soon run although it didn't fit the mold for a career highlight really was the ultimate for me. We managed to capture the band on tape (multitracked no less) at what was a high point for the band. The best part is that it that we managed to do it and forget we were doing it. It was total rock n roll and we didn't ruin it by worrying about the recording. Thats the stuff rock movies are made of.

I don't remember anything highlight like about any evolve festival unless your talking blooper type highlights.

Jay was born cute and cudley. no questions, no magic.

lower case all the way. how stupid is that?!?

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[color:purple]How does opening for the JGB rank?

(Incidentally, that was my first nero show.)

Ah yes... being told by Mr. Seals that we had to play on the floor was nice. Seemed like he was a real ass. After all you'd have to be an ass to use Jerry's headshot as yuor poster and use his name to draw people to your shlocky show.

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I just sent the piece off to my editor. Sure the lower case question was stupid, I mainly ask things like that to jettison it as a concern regarding fact checking- I wondered about the period but that really fucks up the syntax of sentences. Periods are usually used to end sentences- see>>>>>.

I think I may have Dave and Lara a touch concerned. AM I NOT KNOWN FOR MY UNERRING TACT!!!!

I don't think there's any reason for concern it's pretty even handed, not what I'd write for another outlet or if I had more of a word count to work with. That said it balances the needs of the Lauzon household, the jamband community, my needs as a writer and the needs most importantly of my community and editor.

I almost called it 'From nero to hero' but couldn't make myself. I chuckle at the thought still. I like the new title better!

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Evolve 2002 - Dave was loaded - (blooper)
Didn't Pablo get all facked up at Evolve and climbed up some cage?

I addressed all this earlier, with a quote I still use today on many unsuspecting people.

B to the E to the E to the R!


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I totally forgot about Dave's loadski set. He did say that didn't he B to the E to the E to the R. It's funny because it wasn't quite as memorable as Dave likely recalls- Dave gets kind of goofy bordering on poster nutbag cute when he's drunk I just turn into an asshole (largely).

Dave never liked his Evolve sets in part because they didn't have the sense to book them other than at like noon as the ravers got fourty seconds of winks. Okay time to get up! And Rave!

I would honestly say that the Slip and Friends with Lauzon was one of my favourite moments for Dave. I have really high quality DV footage of it I'll have to do something with sometime. You should have seen the informal jockeying that was going on backstage to get on that Slip and Friends bill - Crissinger was a culprit. I was duly impressed that Brad said to Dave after their set to a really small audience that 'you just played the best set of the weekend'. He obviously understood Dave's three T's as Guitar Player put it - taste, tone, technique. And Titties!

I also really love remembering that day and night that turned into day as when Dave and I became friends something I hold very dear. It was also the day that Dave discovered that Abe was a real person and not my alter ego.

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I've regrettably lost touch with Abe. Such a dude I really enjoyed our comraderie and friendship. He did hit a moose driving with a friend in a sports car in Massacheusetts. He was so wanting to get back to Mass and then it happened within like a fucking week or something. Plus it's the states you know - big bucks and lot's of recovery. I'm sure he's doing fine though he's a gifted guy and Americans actually get payed what their worth if they're skilled instead of having to beg for grants.

Funny story I guess the roof of the car just got peeled off like a sardine can and he was ejected and lay on the roadside (not the funny part). So he comes to (think of Sugarbush '94 and Trey's 'hit by a comet' narration) and says to the paramedic 'HIT BY A MOOSE!'. So Abe.

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