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impressive blues performance at my high school

mark tonin

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Last night at my high school was our annual battle of the bands, which this year was called FHCI Rock City. For the past number of years many of the acts have been of the "screamo metal" variety. Once again this year there was some of that, but a Grade 9 student stole the show for many with his impressive guitar playing. His name is Alex Tintinalli, and I imagine that he has a serious future in music if he keeps at it. Check out his web site, and keep in mind that this kid is in Grade 9 and that some of what is on his site is a bit dated. His band last night was not his regular band, but they tore through impressive versions of Scuttle Buttin', Voodoo Chile, and Whole Lotta Love. At one point I watched the on-duty police officer move from the main foyer into the cafeteria so he could see who was playing, and after the band was done some of the older students who play guitar were walking around shaking their heads in disbelief. His performance certainly put a smile on the faces of the teachers and parents in the audience. :)

I look forward to hearing some blazing blues rock guitar solos at my school over the next few years.


Peace, Mark

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hey Mark thanks for the link. Impressive music...and impressive site. Nice to see the young folks struttin' their stuff.

As well, nice of you and the other staff involved to put this on in the evening when parents and other folks from the community could come out and enjoy it. Well done :thumbup:

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Thanks for the kind words Dr. J ... much appreciated. I like supporting musicians, including young ones, even the young ones play music that isn't necessarily my cup of tea. It's a huge bonus when they play music that I really enjoy.

Having at least one police officer at school events such as dances and battle of the bands is now standard practice and board policy, at least in Waterloo Region. A sign of the times. We've had a few scary incidents at our school over the last few months, so our school Administration was extra-cautious for this event and we had 2 officers, lots of teacher-supervisors, and a strict sign-in policy. Plus the screamo-metal does cause some stress, as kids want to mosh when they hear it, and that makes many older people very uncomfortable. Having said that, this year's event was pretty-well incident free, and the music was better than I've heard in a while at one of these.

The kid can play. It was fun listening to some of the audience members after the performance. Some of them were inspired and had a huge urge to "go home and crank the amp," while others wanted to "put all of their guitars by the curb side." The same sort of reaction that I hear from musicians anywhere after they see an incredible performance by another musician.

On top of his guitar playing, he actually sounded pretty good singing Whole Lotta Love ... although I must admit I didn't know what to think when he sang the lyrics "I want to be your back door man." I think his voice must be changing as he goes from being a boy to a young man ... some of his vocals on the web site tracks make me smile because they just don't fit with the blistering guitar that he is playing.

Peace, Mark

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I hope this kid goes the Derek Trucks/Jimmy Bowskill route

Good call, Jaimoe.

Something from the Little Known Facts file:

Jimmy Bowskill's first CD was produced by Alec Fraser and recorded by James McKenty at his studio in Peterborough.

I think Jimmy was 12 at the time.


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