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Cuff the M-Fn Duke!


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We caught them at the Black Sheep last night, playing to a crowd of 35 or 40. Opening band "The Brunettes" was kind of catchy in a Pogues/toned down Ween sort of way, but I wasn't crazy about them. Cuff the Duke however, now that's a fucking show. Such a good energy on stage, lyrics that are..well..pleasing, and music that is so thoughful and well placed right now. It's gives you the kick you need when you've been glazing over at the less inspired jammy selections of late. Best moment was the end of the show, when they'd basically played all of the tunes they know, and decided to step off the stage with instruments and a snare drum in tow, and play a harmonica jam and bang on drums while pacing all over the place. They sold out of their CDs again as they did at Hillside, and I'm not the least bit surprised.

Anyway, keep your eyes on them, and buy their CD. Oh, and pick up a quart of milk and a stick of butter on your way home...

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