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Truck Stolen and Burned! Sunshine needs a hug


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It all began at 7:00 am Saturday morning when I got up to go for work -- I walk downstairs and notice my purse is missing and the door is wide open. Panic strikes!!!! I bolt upstairs to wake my roommate and make sure she is okay......we run downstairs to make sure I didn't overlook the fact that my purse was not there........so we run outside and yes my Jimmy was gone. I call the police, cancel my credit cards and remained slightly hysterical.....within in 20 mins I get a call from the police -- "Lisa we have good news and extremely bad news.....(silence)....we found your truck but it has been burned!"

My truck was found in a public school playground where they had gone for a joyride and started it on fire -- nothing left - I didn't even recognize it! My camping gear was found lying around the playground, but no trace of my 100 cd's, work boots, hiking shoes, $400.00 camera, plus much more.....just a burnt mess!

So after having my vehicle robbed last year - I really feel luck is never on my side and my heart aches. But at least I know how to deal with this stuff and the emotions that come along with it. The most important thing is that my roommate and I were not harmed and the rest is material.! I will be talking to the insurance people on monday - I still owe $12,000 on the Jimmy so good vibes that I at least get that much back.

I'll keep you posted. It's going to be a long week! Plus I have to move this week, plus my mom and dad are out East! Yah know when you just want mom and dad -

But I hope that in the end something really good comes out of this.....

I miss my truck though!


Lisa Marie

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Very sorry to hear the lousy news. Hopefully after all that bad luck you got lots of good luck coming.

And go to all the used cd stores immediately! The cops won't do this. After getting my house broken into once I cruised the cd stores in my neighborhood and because of that the cops busted the fucker.

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Originally posted by Velvet:

And go to all the used cd stores immediately! The cops won't do this. After getting my house broken into once I cruised the cd stores in my neighborhood and because of that the cops busted the fucker.

Funny story:

Several years ago, the owner of Dr. Disc in Hamilton had his house burgled, and thousands of CDs were stolen. Fortunately, the guy had scratched his name or initials into the inner hub of all of his discs. In a stroke of either bad luck or stupidity, the thief took the stolen CDs to Dr. Disc to sell. The employee recognized his boss's discs, and called the cops. Nice. [big Grin]

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That is horrible. I am very sorry you have to deal with all that. And losing alkl your nice stuff to top it all off is always the worst part. It's always the night you don't remove valables from your car that the bastards get in.

Best of luck getting cd's back. I'd help but some criminal has all my showws as well right now (although they probably threw them away after seeing it was all phish shows).

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Where's all this thieving coming from?

Keep being who you are, and you'll do fine.

Craphead thieves/joyriders don't even consider for a minute who they may be affecting by their actions and that pisses me off. How can anyone go ahead and turn off the little switch that makes you think of other people?

I hope things work out through your insurance.

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Thanks Bouche,

The worst part is that I know whoever stole my discman and cd's from my car probably looked at the discs when the got wherever assholes go, and said, "What the fuck, p-hish?" and toosed them away. The whole book was all live phish. On the other hand, maybe they will listen to it and we'll have a new Phish head and it will sort of be worth it, except that the new phishhead will be a criminal.

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Oh Sunshine, what a horribly scary thing to go through. It sounds like crap, but be glad for what didn't happen. You and your roommate are okay, apart from being emotionally shaken. I'm sending my warmest (((((((((hugs))))))))) along and hope that things work out in your favour. Maybe the school had a camera on the yard? You never know.

Seems like it's been a pretty awful week for a lot of Skanks. I'm hoping that everyone has a much better week this week and that things brighten up for all of you really soon!

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