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Hookah Joys...


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I meant to post this a while ago, but the latest and greatest tobacco trend these days seems to be Hookah/Argheelie/shishah smoking. Basically a waterpipe with a hose in which you smoke flavoured tobacco (strawberry, double apple among others). I've partaken in this for a few years thanks to my lebanese friend and now I finally own one, brought back a little while ago from Lebanon with a phat tin of tobacco and all the accesories you need. I'm not a cigarette smoker but this tobacco I enjoy immensely. It's not harsh, quite sweet, and gives you a relaxing yet somewhat lethargic buzz. There are a number of lebanese stores that sell them and all the accesories (plastic mouthbpieces, coals, etc). If you try it and like it I'd suggest going out and getting a setup for your house, because I hear they charge $20 downtown to use it. One such store is Arya Food Market (Bank and Gladstone).

That is all. Oh yeah, and you can mix other smokables with the tobacco and draw out the buzz, but it will add a considerably harsh taste to the otherwise kickass tobacco.

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