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Brad, I noticed you had a couple of nero shows from this year at the Dekuf (the 2 on the mix disc you handed out at moe.Down). I was wondering if you'd be interested in doing a trade. I'm always on the lookout for new nero, so if you're interested, have a look at my list and see if there's anything you'd like. www.phishhook.com/lists/PhishRaver I'm coming up to Ottawa this Saturday for the show, so if you want to trade in person, that's cool too. I know what you look like, we've met a couple of times, so finding you won't be a problem. Anyways, either e-mail me phishhead420@hotmail.com or reply here. Thanks, Jay


I e-mailed you, but just in case...

How about Oysterhead 2001.11.07 (the Massey Hall show) for nero 2003.03.29? It's a two-CD show, but I may not get the time to split it up into tracks, so it might be one big song per CD, if that's OK?




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