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Now this looks like some serious fun!


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kookycanooky thats the same spot that made think how fun it would be, and the flying close to the mountian/ground has got to be a real adrenaline kick. Theres something about falling/hurling towards the ground at break neck speeds thats always appealed to me. Strange as that may sound.

I found a ton of other videos on youtube showing more of this stuff, different folks but the same kinda suits. Awesome stuff.

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now they just need to figure out a suit that makes you be able to catch thermals.

I was curious about the wind currents when you fly close to a cliff wall like that. Would it possble to catch a sudden gust...or something like a thermal which would throw you out of controll? and possibly into the wall...

Is it possible that this video is filmed in a decieving manner and that they are falling towards the ground faster then we think they are? 'cause they seem to be going pretty horrizonal...at the point the dude goes past the road he looks to be going less than 30 degrees below the horizon...but it feels like it should be like 60 or 70 degrees below the horizon. When he goes by the road it looks just like a jumbo jet coming in for a landing.

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