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Baseball at Lynx Stadium next year


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Play Ball at Lynx Stadium: Sun

Josh Pringle

Thursday, November 29, 2007

A Can-Am league baseball team will be on the diamond at Lynx Stadium next year

The Ottawa Sun reports City Council has voted to allow a Can-Am League pro baseball team into Ottawa.

With the Ottawa Lynx leaving town, the deal means a Can-Am team will be in Ottawa for the next two summers.

The Lynx have moved to Allentown, Pennsylvania.

City Manager Kent Kirkpatrick will negotiate a deal with the Can-Am league for $108-thousand a year.

CanAm League

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According to Wikipedia, the Can-Am League is considered to be at the same level as A Ball, just like The Intercounty League which fields teams like the Toronto Maple Leafs (the only good Leafs) play. Both are independant leagues with no major league affiliations, unfortunately. AA is damn fine baseball and in some ways, more important than AAA. It would've been cool if Ottawa landed a AA team.

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In all the articles that I read they compared it to double A. It doesn't really matter to me. We have a team. Sure, AAA would have been nicer, but if this works that'll be great.

City Council and Standing Committee

MotionConseil et comités permanents Motion

RE: Ottawa Stadium – 300 Coventry Road

WHEREAS, the City of Ottawa and the Ottawa Lynx are involved in a legal dispute pertaining to Ottawa Stadium;

AND WHEREAS the parties desire to provide some clarification on the permitted use of Ottawa Stadium at 300 Coventry Road without prejudice to the rights of either party in the current pending dispute; THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED THAT: 1. On the understanding that such action will be without prejudice to the rights of the City and the Ottawa Lynx in the current and pending litigation between the parties, staff be directed to move forward to expeditiously conclude an agreement with the Ottawa Lynx and the Can-Am League in a manner that allows the parties to mitigate anticipated damages, to the extent possible, should the Ottawa Lynx Company not play its home games at the Ottawa Stadium, including permitting a professional baseball team from the Can-Am League to play its home games at the Ottawa Stadium for the 2008 and 2009 baseball seasons at the same cost as the Lynx, namely, $108,000 per season, payable at the end of November in each of the above two seasons. 2. That the City Manager be given delegated authority to negotiate, conclude, in conjunction with the City Solicitor, and execute on behalf of the City, the necessary agreement.

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I was under the impression that part of the allure of the CanAm league for Ottawa is that they'd get to play other Canadian cities and thus build up stronger rivalries than the Lynx did. But as far as I can tell Quebec City is the only other Canadian city with a team.

Who wants to start suggesting names?

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I can tell you that the Intercounty League doesn't excite me at all, and the league is similar in quality to the Can-Am League. Rob and Rich Butler plus ace Paul Spoljaric play on the Leaf team and I haven't yet gotten jacked enough to go and see them at Christie Pitts, and the games are free. I want to see a game/league with Major League affiliations, whether it's A, AA, or AAA.

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I found myself watching some games on TV this summer and the quality of baseball is just kinda poor. That, and the ump"s strike zones tend to be gigantic.

Also, Jaimoe, Chrristy Pitts is a shitty field. I dont care how steeped in tradition it is, its fooking gravel for chrissakes. Ive played there many times and, honestly, theres about 11 fileds in Toronto that are at least 1 biliion times better for watching games.

So ya, it would be hard to get excited about a new league.

Now if they took this can-am league, merged it with the Intercounty League and had some kind of connection with the leagues west of the praries, it would be slightly more interestig to me.

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Now if they took this can-am league, merged it with the Intercounty League and had some kind of connection with the leagues west of the praries, it would be slightly more interestig to me.

That would be hard because of the cost of travel, plus the athletes are part-timers and still hold "real jobs". Yes, the western independant leagues seem to be thriving, but there's more of a passion towards those teams, like in Winnipeg. I think people would support an independant team if they knew there was a chance in hell one of their players would get a shot at the Bigs.

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Ya, your right. There was a guy here who played for the Kitchener Panthers who was hitting like .547 and had to quit cuz he got a new job!

Should have thought of that..the travel. They could do a series at the end of the summer though, over 1 weekend/week...Top teams from each league square off... would be kind of cool. They could do their own fundraisng for it. I know theres a lot of pride from coast to coast when it comes to baseball. BC's got the bragging rights now...but it would be fun to see what would happen.

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That really sucks. The stadium that the Vancouver Canadians played in was sweet too. Not to re-hash an old discussion, Im outta here in about 5 mins, but its just too bad more people (present company excepted, of course) dont support baseball in Canada. For whatever the reason.

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If the ball is poor, I wont go very often but the stadium here is wicked. God I miss the Lynx.

Actually, I bet the ball is really good. The Leafs have three legit ex Big Leaguers on their team that are still not past their prime. Hunt around that Can-Am website to see if any of the league's players have made the Bigs yet. I gotta run. I'm off to Cuff The Duke.

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