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MMW to play Alberta


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wooooooo, where, how much. when do tickets go on sale, wooooo, saw them at jazz fest in toronto they fuckin jam, wooooooooooo.... hey solar, did you go see RFASP at the night gallery....


Hey, no, i didn't get out to that rfasp show. Would have loved to as i heard it was a beaut. Is this the Jamesd postin on hipstar? This is shawn.....there aren't many people from the area that hang online so .....

Yeah, mmw and little feat is gonna be great! don't know about ticket prices or sale dates.

Also, Jason Mraz in Calagry and Edmonton 3/31 and 4/1 respectively.


Ya this is Jamesd, the silence in this town is to much... fuck we should party some time, what part of the city are you in.... do you play any insruments....how could you miss RFASP this city has slim pickins as it is....


Im in the Sunnyside hood. You? No instruments here....unless you call the stereo an instrument.

I had to miss the show on account of having no $$$ ! was a bummer for sure....what are doing in calgary??



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