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lowroller: The Great Jobhunt


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Guest Low Roller

Ah geez. That's pretty swell bouche. [Cool]

I can already discount the Radar Defense Strategist position because they are looking for Masters graduates. Unless the government is willing to pay for full-time Masters studies and suppliment me with some disposable income (beer money) I don't see myself ever going back to school. I don't think I could handle doing my Masters part-time because that would pretty much suck all the free-time out of me.

I see myself moving away from the design and hardcore technical aspect of work, and I am currently gaining experience in the world of technical sales/project management. I feel this avenue will open more doors for me in the future outside of high-tech.

I like your idea bradm... however I would probably get fired for playing on the job...

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From what I've seen, employment in the smaller high-tech companies is going the way of the "specialized generalist." That is, companies are keen to hire people who can take on a wide range of responsibilities in a very specific field.

The last tech wreck proved that for me. I survived two rounds of layoffs because I had marketing experience as well as technical skills. The marketing department wasn't so lucky--between the two layoffs, the entire group was sacked. In the process, half of my bandwidth went over the wall from engineering to marketing.

Marketing might not be my favourite thing to do, but I don't see weasels on the endangered species list, either.

YMMV; my world is obscured by dandelions.

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My last gig was in the speciality digital camera industry.

I'm a "lone gun" tech comm. I have a degree in engineering and a diploma in tech comm. Lone guns are generalists, even more so than other tech comms. Tasks run the gamut from "we can't spare an engineer to write this" to "nobody else here understands the difference between GIF and JPEG" to "we need an expert monkey to push every button on the product" to "post this on the web site, willya?" to "can you research this esoteric term?" A lot of my tasks have fallen into the category of "nobody's else job" (including one that had me running an errand to the Turkish Embassy).

I don't think any single thing I do is particularly remarkable, but I require a fair bit of software and a decent computer to do the full range of my job--something a *lot* of employers don't understand about lone guns. My last manager and the engineers around me understood this, which still blows my mind. Tech comms have a habit of getting hand-me-dowm computers from the engineers because "all you need is Word, right?" Uhhhh ...

How about you and yours?

(I know that Low Roller's job is genuinely soul-destroying work worthy of an ammo kiosk on a grassy knoll in Silicon Valley ...)

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low roller: You may have seen this company in your travels to/from your current position: Nanometrics. In particular, check out the "Field Electronics Engineer" position under the job listings.

They're a niche player, still private, and, as far as I know, not itching to get huge in a "boom"/pressured kind of way. A friend of mine has been happily working there (as a tech writer) for the last couple of years.



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Guest Low Roller

Thanks for all the suggestions folks. I started polishing up my resume last night, and I hope to have it done by the end of the week...

And just in case anybody out there knows some influential people that can help me out, I have a B.Sc. in Electrical Engineering and 5 years of design consulting/technical sales experience.


(I know that Low Roller's job is genuinely soul-destroying work worthy of an ammo kiosk on a grassy knoll in Silicon Valley ...)

yup. [Wink]

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While we're on the topic can someone please find me a job, i don't seem to be very good at it. I started out the ole post secondary career with a Geography Degree. That got me into a high paying factory where i worked for a year until i was laid off. A few years later i got into Mechanical Engineering Technology at a College and finished with a 3 year diploma. I have NO "connections" inside any industrial institution and NO experience in the workforce doing any type of engineering. I can not find a job. I can't even get my fuckin foot in the door for an interview because i have zero experience on my resume.


Dead End Life.

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I'm looking for a new gig too.

Anybody know of any corporate communications positions available at their company??

Or perhaps Public or Media Relations?

I have a degree in Communications along with a three year Broadcast Journalism diploma and ten years related experience.


(hey Jaimoe, Scott emailed me and told me the position at CITY was filled [Frown] but i'd love more openings if you have them.)

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