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Posts posted by Chameleon

  1. I saw Dahr speak in Juneau and to say the least, it was very emotional. He talked about how the Bush Administration has a blueprint for the entire Middle East showing when and where they will strike next in there attempt to dominate all oil producing countries. To say the least, it was even more difficult to stomach the pictures of GWB in my boss's office. Ignorance is no longer bliss.....it's humanely destructive.

  2. Hello there folks, greetings from Alaska!!! I just had to tell you about an amazing music festival I went to last weekend.

    It was held in a small ski resort town called Girdwood (about an hour south of Anchorage). It was amazingly beautiful as we were surrounded by the biggest mountains i've ever seen and entering the fair we walked through an old growth forest chalked up with little hippie vendors selling everything from pottery to hemp thongs to dog painting (like face painting for pooches (i couldn't do it to Indie) to espresso (alaskans LOVE their espresso). It was family affair during the day which was fine with me as i got to watch the kidlets participate in hulla hoop contests all day.

    Okay now the music, any of you heard of the Alcan Gypsies (bluegrass explosion!!!), Nervix Rex, Three Legged Mule, Loose Gravel and the Photons????? These jam bands were very very impressive and each had their own groovy sound. The Photons were my fav as they got the funk on and rocked the forest out for hours. Anyways, i think i was a little niave before i came to alaska in thinking that the music would be more Stompin' Tom or some cheesy twangy country style. Silly Jyll. Alaskans defiently enjoy their live music. Tonight I'm headed out to see Jewel's father yoodle all night long. Should make for an interesting evening....

  3. i was there last night too!!!!!!!!!!! after a couple of near death experiences driving from Golden to Calgary during the frickin' blizzard yesterday, we made it safe and sound to calgary. Nero was awesome (as per usual) and lots of kids there got into their groove and boogied on down to the nero beats. It's so good to see their fanbase grow and i know for sure that as their tour progresses, nero is going to be a commonplace jamband name in the west. good luck boys with the rest of your tour!!

  4. hi there as is, no worries travels were very good. Indie was doped up for the london to calgary flight and isn't really completely normal yet... don't think i'll be doing that to her again. It's sooooo nice to be in the mountains again, i almost forgot how beautiful Golden is. it makes me want to drop my school/work plans and be a snow bum again.... ah but i gots to plant some trees first...take care chica...

    word up to da bayou

  5. i'm pretty sure i know who stole your shit dbl b.

    it is a sketch ball named Cory who was there earlier on and stayed for awhile. he is not supposed to be in the bayou at all but i guess bruce was feeling kind hearted or maybe just too stoned to realize.

    he also broke into a truck that night of a regular who always hangs out at the bayou. the whole 'fight' incidence started because the regular found out his truck was broken into and thought that cory was some other dude, as he was wasted and couldn't see straight. the whole 'fight' thing was worked out after some mediation but still cory is yet to be found.

    his uncle came into the bayou last week while i was working and called the cops on him as he had just robbed his grandparents in order to buy some crack and has some outstanding warrants, they unfortunatly did not find him.

    believe me, this kid has what is coming to him. i know it doesn't help you out brad, but karma will eat him up...

  6. hey slut for hire, jaybone's got a job for ya... you can have 'your' dog back as soon as you get your ass out to BC deal? you da coolest

    indie rocker says rahhwoooffffffyawnroooooawwwwwwwwoof

    rolleyes.gif" border="0rolleyes.gif" border="0rolleyes.gif" border="0

  7. first of all alan, maybe the lighter did not want to belong to you...did you ever in your heat of passion and madness think of the lighter??? i think not. sometimes you have to think beyond your own conscious self to realize that all matter has a mind of their own. maybe the lighter came to the conclusion that you are not the dedicated toronto fan that it once thought that you were. the now new proud owner of the unique lighter that you previously thought you had a 'grip' on, is now enjoying and probably basking in the aurora of their new find and is lighting their players light on the exerberant flame that your old flame willfully ignited. don't feel neglected alan, think of this situation as one of those 'live and learn' tactics that only come about once in a full moon, or as you call is 'la vida loca'. when you're in spain, thinking of pain, think of jyll and all your mind will fyll, with pictures of trees, up to jyll's knees, and you will chuckle and jyll likely will be in a shmuckle, but don't you worry, cause jyll likes curry and now i'm spent, and feel rather bent, so goodnight buddy, i have to now study.

    over and out

    just like gout

    fuck i'm drunk

    and don't have any spunk

    wah wah wah

  8. Well, i've always like to think of myself as an original, but if it is for the greater good of corrupting a bunch of high school kids and introducing them to the wonderful world of good music and good times then i'm down. I've just shaved my beard off (trying to find gainful employment now that school is finished)so its gonna have to be an old photo. Meeting all of your friends as soon as i walked into the 420 show was a strange little experience. i was thrown into a wierd little spotlight immediatly after blazing and getting all messy. sorta strange, but all good.

  9. i know a lot of you are still recovering from a fantastic show last night but...

    Anna Williams is performing tonight at the Bayou. She is an amazing performer and her voice is like chocolate for the soul. Come one come all!!!

    Drink specials for any sanctuarians who show up.

  10. Just got back from my first moe. show. Did those guys ever rock the house tonight!!! I swear the beats are still running through my veins. Ahhhhh! The Landmark Theatre is one kick ass beautiful venue. We had a great crew tonight and Jaybone wins uncle of the year award hands down. Sweet dreams for me tonight, that is for damn sure.

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