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Posts posted by Chips

  1. In response to "...to preserve one of the oldest natural ecosystems in ontariariario"...

    Algonquin was actually clearcut in the 19th century and many new species (such as white-tailed dear) have invaded the area since then.

    As someone who has been an avid park visitor for many years (hiking, canoeing & even mountain biking!) I have NEVER seen any signs that the park is logged. Most people have no idea that logging even occurs in the park. It is a well managed and long term sustainable project that supplies southern Ontario with it’s seemingly endless hunger for timber.

    If logging was completely stopped in the park, demand for wood would not instantly drop. What would happen is the void would be filled with wood logged elsewhere, even as far away as the rainforests from Indonesia or Brazil.

    I also do not believe that any of the ‘old growth’ forests that remain within Algonquin (there are a few patches here and there that survived the clear cutting 150 years ago) are logged. Everything cut down are ‘new growth’ trees.

    I cannot under any circumstance support a decision to stop sustainable logging (even within a provincial park) and move it to someone elses backyard where far more destructive logging techniques are practiced.

    If you want to make a difference, I agree with the above posters that:

    a) We (city dwellers who gobble up lumber as fast as they can cut it) must reduce our consumption (ie. no more shitty McMansion subdivisions!)

    B) Find alternatives to wood (Hemp IS a most remarkable plant with infinite possibilities)

  2. I’m am surprised no one has mentioned pressure cookers. They make it possible to cook at much lower temps. and are great for butter.

    Pressure cookers make it possible to cook at *higher* temps, which in turn makes for faster cooking. Pressure cookers will only raise the boiling point of water by 2 or 3 C though, so they won't boil the THC out of your pot.

  3. Here's my input:

    1/4 ounce of goodness

    1 cup butter

    3 or 4 cups of water

    1) Grind the dope up

    2) dump all ingreadients into a slowcooker

    3) Set slow cooker to "Low" and leave for 8 hours

    4) After 8 hours, strain through cheesecloth. Toss the greens, and put the hot water/butter soup into the fridge.

    5) After the soup cools in the fridge, your new green butter will form ontop of the water. Remove the butter, discard the water.

    You've now got 1 cup of green butter. Use it in your favorite recipe that calls for 1 cup of butter (most cookie recipes). Usually this will yeild 40 or so VERY potent cookies (depending of course on the initial quality of the herb).


  4. If you don't have a pressure cooker, you could always just do as stated above...throw a little bit of green into the cheapest vodka avaialble, let it sit for a couple of months, filter, and add a bit to any beer you want. Adding this "Tincture of Cannabis" to any beverage will produce the same desired effects as above! (i.e. you'll get high).

  5. I haven't had cable for 6 months, is Bob Wiltfong still making Daily Show appearances? He was hilarious.

    I've been watching the show pretty religously, and have not seen Bob Wiltfong in quite some time.

    You should check out this new magic internet thing called "BitTorrent". Even without cable you can sitll watch the daily show every day! Man i love the internet.

  6. I have noticed the same thing being said again and again above. Main problems with the Casbah:

    1) Overpriced cover - Often more expensive then advertised (i've even called ahead to ask, and found it to be more expensive at the door!).

    2) Short pints - nothing like making a customer feel ripped off! I HAVE poured a bottle of beer into an empty pint glass, and can verify those pints are certainly 400mL or less.

    3) No website - What time does the show start? How much is it? Any opening bands? All valid questions when you're planning a night out, however when a show is at the Casbah finding out this info can be a full time job in itself!

    4) Bar partitioning - Why aren't we allowed to sit down in the back of the bar anymore?

    5) Sound is always WAY to loud. Forget seeing a show here without earplugs!

    While i probably won't boycot the casbah, i certainly won't be buying drinks anymore.

  7. the Jimmy Swift Band is simply the best live act around. The show at Pepper Jacks Cafe on Friday night was one of the best live shows I've ever seen. If you've never seen the JSB band before, make the time and see them. Thanks to everyone who made the show possible Friday night!

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