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Posts posted by MasterShake

  1. .... no, the the new smashing pumpkins album, but a new film.

    In response to mattm's "spp" thread, I felt compelled to share this with you all:

    Zeitgeist The Movie

    What does Christianity, 911 and The Federal Reserve all have in common?

    It's just under two hours long, but well worth the watch.

    ***WARNING: There is some pretty heavy imagery (war/911 footage) used, especially in the opening montage. So if you have kids around or if you are faint of heart, be aware.***

    Although I'm well aware that this probably belongs in the politics forum, I firmly believe that as many people should see this film as possible.

    As always, "agreement is not neccesary, thinking for one's self is."

  2. After working at the beer store for ten (yikes!) years, I have become quite the amateur sociologist.

    That being said, when faced with the choice between quality and quantity(either in volume or higher alchohol content) the average beer drinker will choose quantity nine times out of ten.

    Another oddity is what I call the "cracker-jack" theory... meaning people will buy a beer they normally never would just because there's a trinket/t-shirt in the case.

    I know there's gotta be at least of couple of you on this board who bought a case of bud light because they had the hockey hats in them...

  3. HUUUUUUGE fan of the dystopian future books (although that kinda disturbs me a little haha) 1984 changed my life, and I remember not being able to put Oryx and Crake down. Fahrenheit 451 had a big impact on me as well.

    I just watched Children of Men last night and was glued to it the whole time. The one shot battle scene was really impressive and I damn near bit my nails off.

    I also agree with Kanada Kev, 28 days later was BADASS (another movie love, ZOMBIES!)

    They made a sequel and it looks deadly!

    28 Weeks Later

  4. I believe Bob Moses was taking issue with artists like Merenda and Kenny G(who I believe should be taken out back and shot with a ball of his own poop) that are exploiting the names of these jazz giants for their own ends.

    Covering tunes happens all the time in jazz. In fact, it happens so much that these tunes become "standards". Any working jazz musician worth his salt is expected to know a great number of these "standards". The language of jazz is highly sophisicated and complex to say the least, and it can take a lifetime to understand(I've been in college for three years now studying it and i've only begun to scratch the surface)

    The years of study devoted to understanding the fundamental aspects of jazz(like chord/scale relationships, the ability to listen and react to harmonic, melodic, and rhythmic ideas etc.) are only tools to get you to what jazz really is about...

    and that,(in my most humble opinion) is INTERPRETATION. You could get 10 different groups of jazz musicians to play, say, "autumn leaves" and I guarantee no two versions would sound alike.

    So yes, it's great that bands like Sister's Euclid, MMW, Garcia/Grisman, cover the likes of Mingus, Miles etc. because they are honestly following the jazz spirit of interpretation, not just shamelessly using another artist's name as a promotional tool to sell more albums/tickets.

    P.S. Kenny G should apologize to everyone, everywhere for ever picking up a horn. Seriously.

  5. All this talk about the meaning of word reminds me of a conversation in a quaint little movie I saw about a couple of clerks :P

    Randal Graves: Since when did "porch monkey" suddenly become a racial slur?

    Dante Hicks: When ignorant racists started saying it a hundred years ago.

    Randal Graves: Oh bullshit. My grandmother used to call me a 'Porch monkey' all the time when I was a kid because I'd sit on the porch and stare at my neighbors.

    Dante Hicks: Despite the fact that your grandmother might've used it as a term of endearment for you, it's still a racial slur. It'd be like your grandmother calling you a little kike.

    Randal Graves: No it is not. Plus my grandmother had nothing but the upmost respect for the Jewish community. When I was a kid, she'd always tell me to treat the Jewish kids well or they'd put the sheeny curse on me.

    Dante Hicks: WHAT THE FUCK, MAN?

    Randal Graves: What?

    Dante Hicks: Sheeny is a racial slur, too!

    Randal Graves: No it is not.

    Dante Hicks: Yes, it is!

    Randal Graves: Well, she never called any Jew, sheeny, she just used to say sheeny curse a lot. It was cute.

    Dante Hicks: It wasn't cute, it was racist!

    Randal Graves: I disagree, man, she was just an oldtimer. That's the way people talked back then. Didn't mean they were racist. - But, my grandmother did refer to a broken bottle once as a "nigger knife" once. - You know, come to think of it, my grandmother was kind of a racist.

    Dante Hicks: You *think*?

    Randal Graves: [indignant] Well, I still don't think "porch monkey" should be considered a racial term. I mean, I've always used it to describe lazy people, not lazy black people! I think if we really tried, we could reclaim "porch monkey" and save it.

    Dante Hicks: It can't be saved, Randal! The sole purpose for its creation - the only reason it exists in the first place - is to disparage an entire race. And even if it could be saved, *you* can't save it, because you're not black!

    Randal Graves: [smug] Well, listen to you, telling me I can't do something because of the color of my skin. You're the racist!

    [Dante storms off in a huff]

    Randal Graves: I'm taking it back, you watch!

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