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Posts posted by Laws

  1. I thought "Beware of the Ides of march" like the old thang about Ceaser n stuff. Now it is the most dangerouse day of the year to drive or (as in my case 15 yrs ago) a pedestrian. I used to fear the friday the 13ths..but beware of the noon hr March 15...

  2. PepperJacks;Thrusday 23rd...WOW some awsome gtrs. with some great slide action with Sam Hurrie and Doug Cox. Dange on the Console was at his best making the room Glow with sounds of Dobros and old Wood..Harrison K was on stage(when i finally got there)Always a Pleasure to hear him. The end of the night was esp cool when a few other playa's got up to play along to DES's version of She caught the cady*(*did i fix the spelling ok? ).Some sweet sounds and a great place ta hear those great sounds. Thanks for the Listen...LAWS

  3. I watched it come down the street in a matter of seconds it was here and gone just as fast. i love storms but this one made me a tad worried. And it was a cat. 1 tornado . there was hail about the size of h20 bottle caps just before brown wall of foggy haze. (and it wer'nt my eyes being foggy) im near where it happened and id say a swaft about from sherman to ottawa was the main vortex size wise with a few vortex's that were up there but luckily didnt touchdown. (have to touch to be called tornado) The wierd thing is... it happend in NOV. hmmmm

  4. I also know DES and he is the BEST ears for audio and i also know he has quite a bit of Film/ Brodcasting under his belt as camera dude gaffer or what ever. I do believe he went to collage for such a thing and amination is what he is really looking for lately as he did a few animation projects that turned out pretty cool.. (Ray sound check link ) Any way i've known the guy for a long time and he is easy to work with and etc etc etc.. not afraid to experiance experimental stuff either...... signed:Another pair of ears.

  5. Saw D.Lanois at the same place last year. Was a Great show (with Great Drummer Brian Blade) I hear he has a "new band" backing him up this time....Should be well worth the ticket price i'm sure. "If ya can get the seats on the sofa on stage yer laughin!" They may cost ya more tho hahaha!

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