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Low Rent

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Posts posted by Low Rent

  1. So far I've watched Waiting... which was funny. a Zach Galifianakis stand-up which had it's moments. Mostly I've been checking out the horror movies, and I've watched a quite a few of those (must be October or something). For those of you who like low budget horror I recommend Death of a Ghost Hunter (creepy little B movie), and Flight of the Living Dead (Snakes on a Plane meets Return of the Living Dead... AT LAST!)

  2. Congrats from me an' Smelly! We'll try and get some good times in before then. You know, as opposed to the real crappy times we've had. We'll promise to come visit too. Oh, and if you don't want Schwa's geometry degree, can I have it. I think it will make me feel more complete as a person. Just to have something of Schwas.

  3. I think "The Guitar Handbook" by Ralph Denyer is a great book for any guitarist. It covers a little of just about everything (scales, chords, rhythms,guitar set-up, everything!). It's a great reference book to have kicking around when you need a question answered and all your friends are busy.

    Oh, loop pedals are good times too!

  4. Where's the ring? No excuses! No. I wanna know... where is the f'n ring!? If I told you once I've told you a thousand times, I need a ring to take you seriously (a car, health plan, reliable pension are implied). You know what! Forget it... just forget it. I'll take my infection elsewhere.

    (this probably would have made a better private topic huh?!)

  5. How 'bout "the Hurls", or "Squirrel Hurl and The Gurls (or Girls)" or "Squirrel Hurl & the Twirly Girl Acadamy". You could substitute "acadamy" with something else like "players", "band", "quartet", you know, to make it sound more professional. Since you have brothers in the band "Hurl Jovi" is not out of the question. Actually "Van Hurl" or "Hurl Halen" might work too! If you decide to start playing Nu Metal I'd simplify the band name to something a little more catchy and easy to remember, like..."The Hurl" or just "Hurl". These last two work well with the indie crowd too, but you'd probably need to get new shoes if that's your target audience.

  6. You're the one who put my pic up Darren, so really you are responsible for making this board a little less attractive! And just out of curiosity... do you know any good remedies for a tongue infection? And if it spreads to the lips... forget it, I'm sure it's nothing.

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