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Posts posted by kippi

  1. Holy fuÇk should be great. I'm ready to get my groove on.

    I'm curious/scared to see how the Fiery Furnaces will do live. I think that perfect sound is super critical for this performance- and, I will admit that the album they did with their grandmother was freakin' weird - like coarse old lady voice telling monotonous go nowhere stories with crazy acid trip type music in the background was just not my thing. who knows, maybe they'll surprise me.

    Does anyone know anything about Alejandro Escovedo ? (Blacksheep stage @ 9:30)

  2. I was really looking forward to both Mark Kozelek and Be Good Tanyas. I gotta say, they both did not do much for me.

    Keeping this brief, Mark Kozelek was so uncomfortable on the stage, that he made me uncomfortable. I wish that the first time I saw him wasn’t so painful. Note to self, this is a dark quiet bar sort of performer.

    Then off to the Be Good Tanyas. At first I thought the sound was so awful because I was too close. So I tried standing directly in front of the sound booth. Still horrible. They also seemed uncomfortable on stage…. Disappointing night of music…..

    …but then who cares- because tonight is going to blow my face off. I am going to dance like a mad woman, and giggle like a schoolgirl. Fu(k Yeah! I can't wait, baby. YEEHAW!

  3. Mark Kozelek, Black Sheep 7:45

    Be Good Tanyas, MBNA, 9pm

    Son Volt, Black Sheep 9:30

    Mark Kozelek is a given. i've loved everything he's ever done - sun kil moon, red house painters, and solo stuff. i've never heard a live recording though.

    Actually, I haven't seen any of these bands, and have wanted to see them all.... i'm thinking of wearing roller skates to get travel between MBNA and blacksheep.

  4. I had number of pets while growing up. One was a longhaired grey and white cat. She used to curl up on a specific cushion on the couch and actually formed a pseudo-nest with the hair she’d shed. It used to bother me that the cushion was always messy and that we could never sit there- especially because she’d crawl onto your lap the second you sat down anywhere. When my mum called me to tell me that our cat had to be put down I was very sad. But it wasn’t until I went home and saw that her cushion was clean that the reality of the loss was felt- my heart ached. Years later my family is still trained – her cushion is always the last one to be filled when we all get together.

    Losing a pet is losing the friend that was always there for you. My heart goes out to you and meggo

  5. I’m sitting at my desk bombarded with tedious, mundane work and look outside to see torrential rain and pitch black skies. I look at my coat rack and realize that I have forgotten my umbrella on the bus. Frustrated with today I log onto this friendly message board to realize that Sister Brother, Brothers Barr are playing in my hometown – and suddenly nothing else matters. EEEhehehehehehe!! July 12th can’t come fast enough!!!

  6. Montreal was laden with treasures this weekend - it was difficult to harness everything that was available to us. The weekend was filled with one pure moment after another. Pure musical perfection, fabulous company, and an aura of incisive delight.

    Thank you Radiohead. Thank you brothers Barr. My face hurts from all the smiling. My legs ache from all the dancing. I’m still on such a high, that I didn’t even mind returning to my 8 x 8 cubicle coffin. A genuine grin has settled into my lips.

  7. Last time I saw Bright Eyes, Connor Oberst was falling all over the stage and was telling off the audience. But he never faltered with his lyrics- even when falling off an amp and crashing into a rubble on the stage.

    I wonder what/who his band will be comprised of tonight. His entourage is always different. Should be a good show. See ya there. Good luck with tickets YATS.

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