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Posts posted by Midurty

  1. www.pandora.com

    On January 6, 2000 a group of musicians and music-loving technologists came together with the idea of creating the most comprehensive analysis of music ever.

    Together we set out to capture the essence of music at the most fundamental level. We ended up assembling literally hundreds of musical attributes or "genes" into a very large Music Genome. Taken together these genes capture the unique and magical musical identity of a song - everything from melody, harmony and rhythm, to instrumentation, orchestration, arrangement, lyrics, and of course the rich world of singing and vocal harmony. It's not about what a band looks like, or what genre they supposedly belong to, or about who buys their records - it's about what each individual song sounds like.

    Since we started back in 2000, we've carefully listened to the songs of tens of thousands of different artists - ranging from popular to obscure - and analyzed the musical qualities of each song one attribute at a time. This work continues each and every day as we endeavor to include all the great new stuff coming out of studios, clubs and garages around the world.

    It has been quite an adventure, you could say a little crazy - but now that we've created this extraordinary collection of music analysis, we think we can help be your guide as you explore your favorite parts of the music universe.

    We hope you enjoy the journey.

    Tim Westergren


    The Music Genome Project

  2. Anybody care to hook a brother up? timouse set me back in the day' date=' but I guess I was inactive too long between harddrive failures.


    i've still got invites, d rawk, (or anyone else looking).

    I think I had the same thing that happened to D rawk happen to me (haven't logged in since March?) and when I tried to recover my password it said my email wasn't in the system... in short I'd be much obliged.

    Does anyone know if I'd be allowed to use my old username?

  3. More Archive links, great shows. If anyone else knows where to get some others (I would love to get my hands on the JGB, Tony Rice... oh hell, every show from the whole week)







    Edit: Found the JGB


    Does anyone know which recording of the DSO soundcheck is better?

  4. photo's please,

    i'm definitely going to try and hit this festival next year. it sounds like it was the perfect holiday! i'm curious were there have any negatives anyone should know about?

    Finally figured this one out, and I never thought I'd ever type these words in my life as it's one of my absolute favorites, but there were far too many renditions of Franklin's Tower.

    I forget who it was with, but I remember Donna singing a real slow version at one point and just wincing.

    That being said the festival could not have gone more perfectly.

  5. photo's please,

    i'm definitely going to try and hit this festival next year. it sounds like it was the perfect holiday! i'm curious were there have any negatives anyone should know about?

    I'm stretching here, but... gas prices?

  6. Hey, I'm new here, but was attracted by the Gratefulfest conversation.

    Myself and a couple of my buddies got there on the 2nd (unbelievable choice to get there so early). We got a great camp site, and the week only kept getting better.

    The DSO soundcheck was amazing. I didn't go up to the stage for it, but I had a cooler and a section of quarry wall which seemed like the proper way to start the festival.

    The weather was unbelievable the whole week.


    Dark Star - Friday's show was good, everything else was unspeakably spectacular

    Rowan/Tony Rice - Rice's late walkon was priceless. Loved it.

    JGB was fantastic - gotta love Melvin

    Zero with SK was good but not fantastic

    The Zen Tricksters late with guests galore was unbelievable

    Umphreys and Keller were underwhelming

    Boombox wasn't enjoyable for me, but I think that had more to do with me not liking their sound

    The New Mastersounds were pleasant but got upstaged by:

    The Greyboy Allstars who I saw for the first time.

    Donna was wonderful in all her performances

    A show I haven't seen anyone mention yet was the Greyspoke show. I thought they played okay in their first set, and spectacularly in their second set (including 'Mighty High' with Rob Barraco and Lisa Mackey).

    Although I'm quite biased - they're all my friends - I'd love to hear any thoughts on the show.

    Best show of the whole week though was an acoustic set on Saturday night. In what had become a near nightly occurence Rob Eaton Sr. and Rob Barraco showed up to the trampoline at our campsite one final time. However, this time they brought along Rob Koritz as well. Eaton Sr. jammed on an acoustic while Barraco played a bass through a pignose and Koritz played a snare case and the trampoline itself. They were joined by Rob Eaton Jr. and Mike Wheeler of Greyspoke on acoustics, and one more member of our camping crew who's not in Greyspoke. They jammed well into the night and it was the grand finale* to an incredible week.

    Did any of you stop by the tramp? We had a crowd a 3-4 rows deep on a couple of occasions.

    *speaking of which how 'bout those fireworks

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