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Posts posted by RobbADubbDubb

  1. i dont know if anyone mentioned it in here; but the term Indian Giver is actually ironic:

    in the European cultures you'd bring your offering to the table and the other person would barter with you (or "haggle" since we're already discussing racism :P)

    but in the traditional native system, you'd place your offering on the table and sit down. Then the other party would place would they want to trade and there would be talks.

    When the native people placed their pelts or beads on the table and sat down the Europeans would take it assuming a gift happened. Then when they didn't reciprocate the deal the native person would assume there was no deal and collect their items and leave.

    The European fellows, of course, would take offense believing that a gift was taken back and the slur Indian Giver was initialized.

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