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Posts posted by amason

  1. A few of my faves:

    Furthur, John Butler Trio, Joan Jett, Flaming Lips, Rush, Cat Empire, Derek Trucks & Susan Tedeschi, Weezer.

    Great Big Sea was pretty good too, but I was volunteering that night, and didn't have to do much, and got to stand on the blocks that hold down the MBNA banner and watch the crowd, so I'm biased.

    Shows that made me wish I wasn't so late for things so often: Flaming Lips, Weezer.

    Best cover: Sinner Man (Nina Simone) by Plants and Animals (I think).

    The most-unmentioned-on-here- yet-insanely-good show: Ozomatli. Don't miss them the next chance you get.

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