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100% ninja

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Posts posted by 100% ninja

  1. Hello, my mentally Handicapped Children of the jam.

    I know 4 things:

    A) Booche is definitely super mean and loves to point fingers

    B) Whelan is a drummer/goalie

    (you're bringing disrespect on yourself with that combo) and you'll never get a disc, so scram.

    C) Davey Boy and I partying like it's 1969 tonight (including complimentary camel clutches for lippy band members).

    D) Bongo drums tell me to burn things after 6 beer.

  2. New Years is fast approaching, and due to ticket insecurities, I have left the job of finding a place to stay to the 11th hour.

    With the exception of sleeping in the Subway, does anybody know of any safe havens where a couple of retards from Ottawa can rest their heads?


    Sleepless in New York

  3. 100% ninja was 100% hammered!

    ..I'm not sure if Dr.H got laid, but I am sure my usual cat-like ninja body couldn't produce enough blood flow to take off my ninja socks when I got home, let alone produce an kind of usuable erection.

    Who was that guy playing chess at the bar?


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