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Craig Cardiff w/ Stephanie Leah Gora - this Thursday in Kingston


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Elixir Nightclub and Rock Crew Productions proudly present Ottawa singer-songwriter Craig Cardiff with special guest Stephanie Leah Gora this Thursday! Tickets are $8 advance at Zap Records, Brian's Record Option, Chumleighs, Renaissance Music, Destinations, Elixir and on-line at www.rockcrew.ca

Craig Cardiff - “Singer-songwriter. Prone to fits of edginess and obnoxious honesty. Songs about being barefoot; being full of cancer; about pouring yourself out; being worth love; being the kite that gets caught on the power-lines; being a geek; about driving out February; songs about you. Thank you very much for your ears.

Often accompanied by double bass and drums. Once, in Cleveland, I watched Buddy Guy perform freedom and thought about thirty years, four weeks and five days past the actual date that the song still made sense. Singing songs that need to be sung. Had an epiphany once. Thinks his van can make it all the way to Peggy's Cove, where the land stopped and planes fell to sleep in the water.

Not comfortable writing musical bios and/or resumes. Play accordion, harmonica, guitar and sing. Fairly regularly. Blessed to know so many wonderful musicians who will accompany/tolerate me. Hurled challenge at Walter Ostanek during a drunken rampage at a rare public appearance (the drunken rampage was mine and the rare public appearance his) for a polka-off, which was never recognized. I asked him to wager his Juno. Often found in living rooms and church basements.â€

Stephanie Leah Gora is a singer-songwriter from Hamilton currently living in Kingston studying at Queen's University. She has been learning music for most of her 22 years and has been performing for the past 5.

In 2003 she and guitarist James Young formed an acoustic rock band, Go Lightly, along with bass player Matt Tremblay and drummer Vic DaSilva. Go Lightly played a number of gigs in Kingston and Montreal, opening for the likes of Throwback and the Fembots.

For the past year, Stephanie has been on something of a hiatus due to an overwhelming school schedule. However, 2005-2006 promises to be a more creative year and she will be recording a new demo in November and touring whenever her studies allow.




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Craig Cardiff - “Singer-songwriter. Prone to fits of edginess and obnoxious honesty. Songs about being barefoot; being full of cancer; about pouring yourself out; being worth love; being the kite that gets caught on the power-lines; being a geek; about driving out February; songs about you. Thank you very much for your ears.

Often accompanied by double bass and drums. Once, in Cleveland, I watched Buddy Guy perform freedom and thought about thirty years, four weeks and five days past the actual date that the song still made sense. Singing songs that need to be sung. Had an epiphany once. Thinks his van can make it all the way to Peggy's Cove, where the land stopped and planes fell to sleep in the water.

Not comfortable writing musical bios and/or resumes. Play accordion, harmonica, guitar and sing. Fairly regularly. Blessed to know so many wonderful musicians who will accompany/tolerate me. Hurled challenge at Walter Ostanek during a drunken rampage at a rare public appearance (the drunken rampage was mine and the rare public appearance his) for a polka-off, which was never recognized. I asked him to wager his Juno. Often found in living rooms and church basements.â€


i used to check out craig when i was in highschool. he used to play with a bass player buddy of mine named Paul Matthews. this may be a stupid question, but have you heard any other their music?

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i haven't heard any of craig's albums .. just a track or two from his website, and of course when he played for me back in June. He's using all kinds of crazy samplers for his voice and his guitar ... it's pretty rad. He's mostly playing solo or with another guitar player these days, as far as I know.

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An incredible singer-songwriter this Craig fella is ... he's got all kinds of crazy sampler thingys with him, and he's always doing these rad vocal loops and guitar loops and stuff like that. It's pretty cool. Advance tickets are available til around 5 PM at Zap Records, Brian's Record Option, Chumleighs, Renaissance Music, Destinations and Elixir.

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