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Open letter to Seth/Hux


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Ahhh, summer love. I'm glad you found it Dr. Hux, I was looking for setlists and got more...

much more. I have also met this woman you refer to as Barbie. It was in the early 90's and I was on Lightfoot tour (Gordon) at Hamilton Place. During "The Wreck of the EF" through a cloud of tears, the beautiful woman sitting next to me caught my eye. I blubbered something about this song ALWAYS makes me cry and did she have any comfort for a lost sailor whose ship can't find a safe port. Her mouth said yes but her eyes betrayed her. "It's not right", she said. I lunged for her but only ended up shooting past her and onto the lap of the 70ish woman (who I beieved actually enjoyed it) but ended up motioning for security anyway. This was all going horribly wrong. "Make an impression!" my mind screamed to me. "I'm going to all 3 of these Hamilton Place shows. I'm a VERY, VERY, BIG Lightfoot fan, as a matter of fact I'm a registered "FOOTER"... you know from the fan club?? I cry during most of the show." She nodded in agreement. Finally something we could both relate to. Relaxing back into my seat I felt relieved. Knowing this was going to be Gord's last song I stood up and screamed "SUNDOWN!!!!!!! WHOOO HOOOO HOOOO!!!! YOU ROCK GORD!!!" to the delight of the ENTIRE crowd. Knowing I was in for at least one nod of approval from "Barbie" (or at best a thumbs up and a mouthed "So do you") I looked over but she was gone. Like Peter she faulked off. I rushed to the back exit only to see my sweet jumping into a cab. I walked dejectedly back to my seat knowing full well that I would never see her again. "Gord, ya gotta ease my pain" I thought. The tears flowed almost immediately. That may have been the last time I would ever met the woman I will forever refer to as "Barb", but it wouldn't be the last time I would go see Gord.

Don't be hurt by rejection, Dr. Hux! She's no one man woman. She'll play her little games with you (although it sounds like you may have gotten to "second base" with her and that's further than I did) and then leave you with nothing, nothing but memories. Thanks for sharing them with us. Keep the road diary coming!!!

Sundown, you better beware

When I find you've been creeeping down my backstairs

On a note that's closer to reality. I'd love to be part of the jam tonight in Ottawa but alas DD is playing also down in Dover. I'm thinking that around midnight you guys get everyone to face southwest and we'll all face northwest and do a cheers to each other in celebration. Kinda corny but I'll try it from my end. Sounds like there may be carboard box boats and some fish slapping so a simple "cheers" shouldn't be that hard.

Mr. M - strawberry/rhubarb reminds me of the girl. I cry when I eat it. Great song in the Front post. Repost it (damn, I should have put it here) so everyone can enjoy if they haven't already. Consideration: You me and the Dr. just abandon this whole "music" scene and collaborate on writing trash romance, whaddya think?? Rock operas?? Mime theatre??

Everyone that's not in Seth/Hux: Go to Seth's site and download "If I Laugh" Music and lyrics we can all relate to.

Play safe tonight and save some jam for me!

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