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Pocket Dwellers - Todd Taylor - Vancouver


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Went out last night to see the Pocket Dwellers at the Royal here in Vancouver and DAMN - they are the real deal. I was beyond impressed with their MAD skills - the DJ guy was incredible - as was the MC guy ... oh, and that sax/flute player - wow! They are the best band I've seen come out of Toronto in a loooong time. This was the first time I've seen them - definately not the last.

After that we headed down to the Fairview to see Todd Taylor's New Vehicle - I had read about him in the local entertainment paper, the Georgia Straight (click here to read the article) This boy can PLAY THE FUCKIN' GUITAR! They covered Garaj Mahal like experts - not an easy feat - plus some insane Allman's covers as well as some killer original instrumentals. If he comes to your neck of the woods - don't miss it.

Very solid night of music.

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