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[color:green]Cincinnati Records Proudly Presents

Tuesday September 18th


306 King St W, Hamilton

905-521-4441 || www.casbahlounge.ca

8PM Drs, 9PM Show || $10 || Licensed (Limited all-ages)







Julie Doiron -- vocals/guitar

Shotgun & Jaybird -- bass guitar, drums

Julie Doiron - Woke Myself Up

We all are driven to doing certain things and making certain decisions in our lives for any number of reasons, be it ambition, fear, greed or love. The last purpose is perhaps the most identifiable to most of us, and so it is no great mystery that that which drives us can both reward us immensely and plummet us into the greatest depths of inconsolable sadness and regret. On Julie Doiron's first album of new material in over two years, she addresses in her signature intimate songwriting style both the heights and the fallout in a way that forces the listener to reexamine their own loves.

One of the most important and greatest loves in Julie's life is that towards her family. The first half of Woke Myself Up details the joy and awe that her family has given her. Immediately, one knows that her unabashed and unaffected lyrics are coming from a woman truly moved. The second half sees Julie making mistakes, blowing second chances, and coming to terms with the sad truth that one cannot live up to expectations set by herself or those she loves. The harrowing untitled final track (recorded and added to the album at the eleventh hour by Doiron) may very well be the most affecting of Doiron's performances ever committed to tape.

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Pop Matters "What seem on the surface to be short, simple, almost mundane little songs and up as valuable artistic ventures into subjects that most musicians either avoid or soak in treacly greeting card sentiment. Plus, they sound fantastic." - Michael Metivier



For the summer of 2006 Basia went to live in Montreal. Through friends she met producer, engineer and co-owner of the famed Hotel 2 Tango studio, Howard Bilerman. Basia cashed in her "student loans" to record with Bilerman in one of the final sessions at the original H2T site, but by the third day she had lost her voice. It was ultimately these rough early takes, hoarse with excitement, that formed the bulk of Oh My Darling. Initially the recordings were meant only as an “audible memory†of the time Basia spent with friends in London and Montreal: â€We liked playing together so much, and I just wanted to remember that.†But Bilerman was smitten with the songs, with Basia and her band, and he began to write to friends at labels and with music-blogs, anyone who might pay attention. For despite the original intention, these tracks are breathless, thirsty, dislodged from dreary nostalgia. There are strings, yes, and acoustic guitar, but also a frantic drum-kit gallop. It’s this spark that sets Basia Bulat apart from the raft of typical singer-songwriters, and also what attracted the interest of Geoff Travis and Britain’s legendary Rough Trade label – who released Oh My Darling in Europe and Japan in the spring of 2007.

Since then Basia and her band have toured central Canada and Europe, sharing stages with the likes of the Great Lake Swimmers, Julie Doiron, Sondre Lerche, and The Veils, leaving a trail of new fans and happy critics along the way. In mid-2007 a Canadian deal was inked with Hayden’s Hardwood Records, preceding a Western Canada tour with Final Fantasy this fall. Oh, My Darling is a pet project no longer, but Basia’s ambitions are unchanged from those early days of that tiny apartment: “I love songs that I can sing along to,†Basia says, and then she corrects herself, balling her hand into a fist. “No, songs that you want to sing along to.â€

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