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Does anyone use Netvibes? [solved]


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I'm getting sick of google forcing the useless igoogle sidetab down my throat and constantly altering it just enough to botch the firefox & chrome scripts created to hide it.

I've read a bunch of comments stating netvibes was a good alternative but I'm skeptical whether or not it's worth installing. I checked out netvibes wesbite but it didn't help much, their example video is nothing more the speedy flash with shitty music - not a bit of helpful information, or even a single example of it in action.

So I figured I'd ask here and see if anyone uses it or tried it, and if it was any good.

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Forgot about it. Gave it a whirl a lifetime ago and it was pretty cool, actually, but I guess not enough to stick.

I'm not clear on what you would need to 'install' though -- is there a client application now, or is it still browser based? Their website seems to be down at the moment .. for me, at least.

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Considering I've never heard of it until today, nor ever used it, I really can't answer your questions. Like I said, the website is useless for explaining how or what it really does.

Hence, my question.

[color:red][edit to add]

Got my answer. No installation, just some web-based garbage I can't homepage.

I guess I just have to wait for the script authors to update the sidebar scripts for chrome and firefox.

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I still can't access the webpage, though down for everyone or just me insists that it is just me *shrug*

For what it's worth, when I used it, it was cool in that I could set up a bunch of widgets, RSS feeds, links to frequently visited pages, that sort of thing.

In the end, though, when I launch my browser, I just want it to open up google.ca or Speed Dial I guess especially since moving to macbooks, it just seemed cumbersome. If I want stock quotes, the weather, my RSS feeds, etc, I just hit F4 and get my dashboard.

I'm curious though - why can't you homepage it? Do they block you from doing that intentionally or does it have to do with needing to sign-in, or ... ?

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