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News from Paul Barrere


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News from Paul Barrere

Here's a statement from Paul Barrere:

In 1994 I was diagnosed with Hepatitis “Câ€, a very aggressive virus that attacks the liver, which has affected many of my generation. For the past twenty years I have managed to control the effects of the disease with lifestyle changes and the love and support of my family and friends. During this time I’ve had regular check ups with a team of specialists at UCLA. These doctors have now advised that I should begin a treatment designed to eradicate the virus from my body. The treatment requires that I stay off the road for the next year, in order to give it the best possible chance for a successful result. I will begin the treatment after I get home from Little Feat’s next Feat Fan Excursion in Jamaica in March of 2013.

Music is my life and I still have plenty left in me that I plan on sharing. I am very much looking forward to the next three months of making music with my bandmates in Little Feat. I have a solo project that I have been working on for 7 years that I plan on releasing, now that I will have some time off the road. I also hope to be able to do the occasional gig if the planets line up. So, this isn’t goodbye by any stretch of the imagination. It’s just another crossroad to pass. I intend to get through this in the best way possible and get back to pickin’ and playin’ as soon as I am able.

Most importantly, I want you to know how much I appreciate you all - fans and friends, band and crew. I have been out on the road for more than forty years and I could not do it without all of you. What’s funny though, is that I came in on a chicken, and I am leaving on a rooster…..well, at least til I can get back to the Proud Highway…..

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