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A Night With Angel


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My best friend in the entire world came to visit me today. I haven't seen him in so long as he was traveling the globe for some time. Of course this is the weekend that absolutely nothing noteworthy is happening. No great band, no awsome party. So what do we do? How do I entertain the friend who has done everything?

We start off at Pho Bo Ga in Chinatown for a bowl of noodle soup and some spring rolls. Yummy stuff. Then it's off to the beer store and a stop for some cheesecake. We down a twelve and head off to the Merc for some bottie shakin'. It was closed for renovations so we head off to MTL in the market. The room was preyty nice with a seating area downstairs and a dance bar upstairs. We smoke a phatty and have a couple Jager shots and continue to dance the night away. The sound could have been a lot better. It sounded like a houseparty that I went to in highschool. The saving grace was that they didn't actually play songs. Nothing with lyrics, just the transiant beat and some trippy pitches. At one point someone played the house bongos, but not near well enough or long enough to satisfy my live music craving. This weekend has been a crazy flashback weekend for me of cougar bars and GNR! So unlike me, but not a total waste. Still good times.

At the moment, we are eating $2.00 Vietnamese subs and I am exposing my Angel to wonder of nero. He is digging it of course.

Okay me drunk and pass out now.


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