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Posts posted by Sheebs

  1. thats Ken Hannah, he's an old brantford guy that lived in BC for many years. he was there with his sweet twin daughters who had a great time and could hula with the best of them!

    I know it took me a long time to respond but I dont have a computer. I had such a spectacular weekend. It was a beautiful venue and a fantastic time! thanks Brianapple for getting the atv guy to fuck off! you charmed the pants off him! thanks fri night crew for campfireing it with me and listening to my freestyle insanity! thanks especially to edger for the sweet background vocals. I hope we can do this again on labour day. thanks to kaya for being the best dog ever!

  2. edger, I am moving asap, will be staying with my ma until I find a place. I would like to make that stay as short as possible! I haven't lived with the rents for a long time.


    thanks that neighbourhood is the ideal area!

  3. its official! I am moving back to the hammer!

    looking for a heady appartment! let me know if anyone has any leads!

    I can't wait to hang with my hammer friends again.

    you dundas mamas better be prepared for Shelbyness!

  4. hey everyone this is the ultimate pain reliever if you can choke it down!

    take a quarter cup of warm water, crush to aspirins in it(acethminaphen), then gargle and swallow.

    keep in mind this tastes disgusting and will probably make you gag but will instantly stop the pain and relieve swelling. then don't talk and whispering is very bad for the thoart and chords!

    trust me I'm an expert.

  5. Rock! I have to say point out that I did not lose my voice!!! first time ever! one of my fav festivals and believe me I've seen many!

    I also do not have the dreaded virus, I just have the post festival blues.

    my highlights are too many to count! All the bands rocked.

    cheers to crissenger for being the band slut of the weekend!

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