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popo weenie

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Posts posted by popo weenie

  1. wishing you good luck getting it fixed at a not too expensive price

    well life is like this get one thing fixed and another is sure to break good way to look at things but thats what happens to me and always did so i look no farther than right now and nothing is broken ha good luck booche and mrs booche

  2. sorry to hear of your accident

    keep on their backs for a copy of the report

    go right to the station and get the name of the policeman that is looking after it

    call your insurance yourself also

    get the name of who you talk with

    good luck

  3. [color:green]Oh I suppose the Magnum is single (too much macho for one lady!)...but never so much alone...always lots of trim around the Robbins nest. That's what hours of surf ski and wearing short shorts will do for ya'.

    Perhaps that's what y'all should do. Take a tip from me and Bobby Wier the ladies can't resists the high water shorts...


    the older ones can

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