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Posts posted by TheSloth

  1. Its on a weekday, Barrymore's is pretty big and you will be getting there earlier than most cuz you are taping so I think its no problem. If you are worried about it though I could just walk up and get your ticket ahead of time.

  2. I cant remember when but I have some vague recollection of someone getting a soundboard patch at Barrymore's (it might have been Blane with his old analog deck). If not, like people said there are lots of choice balcony spots to tape from.

  3. 04/29/93 Le Spectrum, Montreal, QC

    I had basically heard a bit of studio Phish before and enjoyed it (but wasnt in love) and had seen Phish bumper stickers every where on Dead tour so I decided to hop into the car going to Montreal to see if these guys from Vermont could actually play.

    I layed down my 20 bucks(could have been less, cant remember) got a stamp at the door and then got my ass so massively kicked that I was a jabbering idiot at the end of the show. Im not joking, I was almost speechless and it took me about 1/2 hour before I could even sum up what I just saw into a proper sentence. The only way I can describe that show was musical assault. By the end of the first song I knew i was gonna love them.

  4. Im just gonna settle for the hat trick. Much like Ms. Hux im gonna bail out on Wednesday but pull off all the rest. Who knows I might get inspired and see all four or I might get a brutal hangover and miss one. Chances are its the hangover.

    Harpua do you think you will be allowed to tape Wednesday's show at the Merc?

  5. Fucking classic...

    Ive placed an order for the Boba Fett along with Star Wars strap, picks and knobs (you've got to go to their website to check out this bad boy). While I wait in anticipation Im gonna crack out the old finger paints and whip up a Hoth battle scene on my acoustic.

  6. DoubleB we are gonna show up but not until around 11:30 so dont bail early.

    Actually you can stick you head in at our place before hand if you want and we can head down together. Either way I dont want to get there too early cuz RaggaMuffin never goes on early.

  7. Asparagus at the young age of eleven I discovered the joys of sports gambling and have be an addict ever since (sports addict - ever since my crushing last minute +$2500 season long pool loss when the Arizona Cardinals scored a meaningless touchdown against the Atlanta Falcons on the last play of the last game of the season knocking me into 2nd in a winner take all pool a few years ago I havent had the heart to gamble much)

    Anyway my lady friend and I are heading up to Pubwells on Preston to watch the game and see if Davey Boy's claims of incredible pizza are true if anyone wants to join us.

  8. I think how it works is each group's top 2 teams switch (US/Finn switch with Sweden/Czech). So that means if we beat the Finns (this being the team that beat us in Nagano) I think we face the US (if the US beats Germany - tough matchup smile.gif" border="0 ) for the right to go to the gold medal round against the winner from the other group.

    If thats the case, its going to be an awesome game.

    AAAAARRRGGGGGGGGG Sweden just scored as i posted....fuck I hope Sundin blows it in a shoot out or even better shatters his ankle as he skates up in the shoot out (yeah Im a Sens fan)

  9. Yeah thanx DoubleB and thanx Mercury Lounge,

    Had a great time, band sounded awesome and the room was a perfect fit for the band. Its a bit of a shame the crowd really didnt get going until near end but at least that bodes well for the next time.

    I thought they played better this time around than at Babylon (though I thought they played well at Babylon). They just seemed to be dishing out more grooves at the Mercury Lounge.

    Anyway it was great having drinks with everyone that made it out and Ill see some of you guys friday (though I have no idea at what point we are getting to Kingston).

  10. Hey Pipin,

    DoubleB and I were planning to catch you guys after Galactic but by the time it was over and we finished flyering for nero it was about 1:30 so we blew it off (we figured it was weekday and you guys were probably done - we were in rough shape anyway)

    It would have been fun to cap off the night seeing you guys but theres always next time.

    If you guys ever do some road work Im with Booche, come'n up.

  11. Blane,

    You already know how i feel about Knight Rider and the late night joy it brought me for a while on the NewRO but getting Gary Coleman in on the mix, well thats too much.

    My heads spinning - does this mean thats theres a Knight Rider episode with Coleman? Holy crap!

  12. Yo,

    Galactic rocked.

    Treyter I guarantee you would have had a blast but there will be other good times - you not making out was a disappointment but it didnt fuck anything up. For others that missed it, I think Galactic is playing the same venue again in September.

    Anyway it was the first time ive seen them do a two set show (ive seen them open and also play on a multi-bill). They started off slow and smooth and just kept picking it up. By the end of first set they were just roaring. Second set pretty much picked off were the first left off. It was like a roller coaster, big peaks with nice groovey intervals - however the state i was in it very well could have just been me but i dont think so. I really dont know the names of many of their songs but I have a hazy recollection of them doing Sabbath's "Sweatleaf".

    Now attempting to bring this thread full circle - All is I can say is that i dont spend to much money on studio albums (only 5-10 or so a year and its usually some band that I just saw live and grabbed their disc at the end of the show) but I cant wait for this album. Id forgotten about it but now you've gotten me psyched again.

  13. Okay, you guys are absolutely right about the vocal arrangements with regards to a 7 member band.

    Rest assured that when you lay down your $95US (not including ticketmaster) for a nose bleed seat at one of our shows you will see a 5 piece (hopefully). We need those two extra members just to guarantee 5 guys will actually show up. Between rehab, jail, infighting and an array of side projects its just hard to get all 7 of together as one.

    Now I hear what you are saying "But what if my fav member of CheeseCake doesnt show?".

    Worry not, I promise you that any member will more than captivate you and you will go home knowing you've just seen the greatest show on Earth.

    Bradm, just answering a few of your questions ....

    -the sleezey promoter role will be filled by DoubleB (hes already well on his way smile.gif" border="0 ), Yeah i know he in the band as well but hes the best we got

    -once record companies have ceased their bidding, and we've worked out some studio time you are welcome to slave away for us - all the coffee and donuts you can handle

    -Ive approached Tom Clancy, Stephen King, JK Rowling, John Grisham, and Tom Robbins concerning a ghost writer for my book. Im currently waiting for a response. As far as other band members are concerned - they better get cracking on their own books cuz they arent gonna like what i have to say in mine.

  14. Damn,

    I was sitting on the couch getting into the right frame of mind (nudge nudge wink wink) and then Kilborn starts talking about the Barry Bonds home run chase - fuck was I ever disappointed, I would have been up anyway but still I was psyched for some laughs. Oh wellllll.

  15. Dont make me bust out my "Headquarters" Monkees album when you are over next time Davey Boy (I think i actually have it)

    In current rotation ......

    Phil and Friends - 11/26/01 Beacon Theater

    Drums and Tuba - "Flathead and Spoonies"

    Karl Denson's Tiny Universe - 10/03/01 Lees Palace?

    Keller Williams - 5-12-01 "The Pie Party" show

    moe. - 09/02/01 Last night of moe. down was cooking

  16. No Treyter you are right about pulling the show. I think they canned him for like a week and then cooler heads prevailed. I thought it was fine bit of MacCarthyism on the Americans part. Bill just opened his mouth to soon - these days Ive seen a few people on tv (i wish i could remember who) say that US needs to address its foreign policy without any repercussions.

    Anyway I hope JB and KG both get a seat on the show.

    Fuck Yeah

  17. HAHAHAHAHA, Bouche that is so fucking amazing. I was just gonna email you and ask for the picture (for our press kit) but you've went above and beyond (thanks as well h - I like the street hardened look - both pictures will be used in the upcoming webpage)

    Now as far as you're concerned GMonkey, We are gonna remember your naysaying and obvious jealousy. The day is gonna come when "CheeseCake" (registered trademark) is gonna be ruling charts (and I mean soon) and you'll be begging for a backstage pass and we'll just laugh and send the goons after you smile.gif" border="0 .

    Now if you make nice we'll let you open for us when we play the sold out Corel Centre.

    Long live boy bands and the magic that they create and a special hello to all the ladies.


    PS As far as missing members go, we'll work that shit out with digital editing.

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