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Posts posted by chase23

  1. Off all week eh! Well what the heck are you doing up so early? Me I have to work. What's your excuse? Have you even slept since this weekend?

    Maybe we can hook up for a ride to the Hamilton show?

    Oh and this is great pic of That one guy's show.


  2. Another note about CFNY.

    If your listen to some electronic music, mainly electro or IDM (intelligent dance music...I hate this term), there is an artist based out of Toronto called Solvent. He wrote this track called "My Radio". He grew up on CFNY in the 80's and now hates them like you. Here is a sample of the record cover with part or the lyrics.


    So your not the only one that has a penchant for hating CFNY.

  3. Speaking of CFNY, I was reading this synopsis of Rush the other night and apparently the song, The Spirit of Radio was written about CFNY. I found that hilariously funny because I hate CFNY and their, "New Music" bull-shit attitude. Of course, their "new music" is either shitty modern pop music or washed up "pop" music from back as far as 15 years ago. Obviously Rush had some sort of relationship or respect for them at some point in their existance.

    Thats because in the 80's the Edge was still called "The Spirit of Radio". They gave all indie bands a chance and played them at all times of the day. I agree that their current format that they adopted in the early 90's is lame. They are basically a top 40 station playing "new rock".

    What the hell is new rock anyways?

    It's certainly not the crap they play! They even play some hip hop now because it's "cool" with the edgeheads.

    I prefer to listen to college radio or my own damn cds thank you very much.

  4. 70% chance of rain is no biggie, it might rain for a half hour and then clear up! It'll only rain all day if there's a major system or something....

    (this opionion is based solely on optimism and not knowledge of weather-ology ::)

    I feel your vibe! I agree...the weather forcast doesn't seem to indicate a large weather system.

    keeping my fingers crossed.

  5. I caught the show in K-dub this Friday. Since I haven't seen them before I would have to say I was impressed. I may be new to this scene but I know good music. I was told that they played alot of new material. I'd have to say it was a great night. Looking forward to this weekend!

  6. Do you have the latest versions of your players. I recently had the same problem with a power point presentation with videos and animations. I had to D\L the newest Media Player and a patch. Unfortunately these were on a disk so I don't know where you can find this patch. Try updating the media player if you haven't

  7. Oh! I'm not worried about the wedding guests. It's my good friend's wedding. 50% of the guests will be close friends that already know I have a mullet. Originally I thought I would not want to be there with a mullet. But now that I have fallen in love with it. I can't part with it. At least for now.

    Good idea on the donation idea. I'll look into it.

    thanks again.

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