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Posts posted by CookieMonster

  1. BTW, it's also the Hindu festival of Holi tomorrow. If you're in the mood, go spray some friends with colour-dyed water and powders. It's especially fun if they're not expecting it.

    It's also Purim tomorow, where it's customary to drink yourself silly! ::

  2. Here, in Whistler, we've had a couple good snow storms lately. The difference is, we're happy about it. The reaction around here is, essentially, "Finally!"

    Stellar snowboarding weather this week.

    Hooray, I can finally ski for the first time since early December (and it wasn't even that good then either). May this weather last well into May!!! :)

  3. [color:"blue"] HE WAS ONCE A LITTLE [color:"green"] GREEN [color:"blue"] BALL OF CLAY


    I used to have nightmares about Gumby coming into my room to kidnap and eat me as a child. Wow, did he ever used to scare me!

    Does anybody remember "Noddy"? He was the little elf that used to drive that tiny car around and he wore a hat with a bell on top...

  4. Ah yes, not-quite-a-saint Patrick.

    The man who killed his own sister by running her over with a chariot not once, but 3 times in an effort to save her soul (or so I've been told).

    I don't think I'll be raising a glass to him today, but I will certainly raise a glass to my good friend Beer - green or otherwise.

    Mmmmmmmm beer...

  5. GOSH! Maybe they are just in need of a good assistant... You know, one with all kinds of great skills... Organizational skills, clerical skills, customer service skills, bowstaff skills, rafter climbing skills, dancing skills, hay jumping skills... I wonder where they might get an assistant like that!?! :o

    Steve from Cleveland

    Or perhaps they could just do their job. Properly. :(

  6. Friday, March 11, 2005

    BURBANK, Calif. -- Hours before the judge in the Michael Jackson case was expected to rule on whether Jay Leno can tell jokes at the singer's expense, The Tonight Show host found a way to slip in a quip without opening his mouth.

    After arriving "late" for the taping of Thursday's Tonight Show, Leno stepped out of a black limousine wearing SpongeBob SquarePants pajamas and accompanied by several bodyguards. One of the bodyguards held an open umbrella over Leno's head as the comedian remained silent when asked why he was late.

    Earlier in the day, Jackson had arrived late to court wearing pajama bottoms and a T-shirt over a coat. His lawyers explained the pop star had come straight from a hospital where he had been treated for a back injury.

    Leno, who has been subpoenaed to testify at Jackson's trial, has asked the court to exempt him from a gag order preventing everyone involved in the case from discussing it.

    "They're ruling on my gag order tomorrow to see if I'm allowed to tell Jackson jokes," he told his audience Thursday. "I'm not legally allowed to tell Michael Jackson jokes, but I can still write them."

    Then, as he has in recent days, he called on another comedian, Drew Carey, to handle that night's Jackson duty.

    "Michael Jackson showed up to court late today wearing his pajama bottoms," Carey told the audience. "You know what? You find the kid wearing the pajama top and we have another court case on our hands."

    © The Associated Press 2005

  7. Wave pool is definitely a good idea. Swimming tuckers kids out SO fast! If you go later in the evening the kids will pass out as soon as you get home and Booche will be able to get his drink on by 6:30 for sure! :D

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