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Posts posted by mulvee

  1. Jaimoe... thanks for the quick response this mornin'. We were out the door 20 mins after you posted. Which is quite a feat with 2 kids.

    Anyways we had a great day. Watched some good street poets and a rockin' (surf rock) band.

    Is it car free every Sunday? Its so much nicer without the cars.

    Anyone have info on who's playin' in the next few weeks.

  2. What an absolutely beautiful weekend. Wonderful people, amazing music, and a gorgeous piece of land. Just the cleansing my soul needed, I feel like a new person today. I didn't lose my shoes, but it sure feels like I got new ones, 'cause theres a special little kick in my steps today.

    I highly reccomend this festival to anyone with kids(MOBE...I'm looking your way). Small crowd of good people, no sketchy crap you find at other festies.

    As i fired up the bus on Sunday afternoon to come home a big part of me hoped it wouldn't go, just wanted to stay another day.

    also... Anyone know Pat & Jennifer from North Bay? I'd like to get in touch with them.

  3. Congrats to you all. You guys need anything just let us know. We found that keeping Maizies' schedule the same as usual eased her into being a big sister.

    "From small beginnings comes great things"

  4. Congrats Steve, on the battle and the cat. That mean you got a new cat?

    Guess Chef Chen will have to wait, maybe hit up Chef Mario Battali for a challenge.

    Btw what did the winner do?

  5. Thanks everyone, after a day of looking through a bunch of pictures I realized I had a really cool dog.. Shit, she went to Deer Creek and Lemonwheel, amongst many other great voyages and times. Now whos got my cheer up a dog remedies, 'cause Caspien our other dog is pretty bummed.

    Heres Caspien (front) with April (back)


    Dancin' man....love the colors on Toby

    Buffy...What is that?

    Thanks again all.

  6. i have no intention on spending any money at that establishment ever again...

    What gives? Thought you guys were down with that place? I was thinking of being social again this year and thought those shows would be a great place for my debut.

  7. Since your looking towards mushrooms, I think you should do some sorta Mushroom Timbale w/ a Garlic Pomegranate Sauce... yeah Pomegranates, you should definately use Pomegranate.

    Check this http://www.pomegranates.org/recipes.html

    Click on main courses, do something like that Halibut one, smaller pieces or course, but maybe wrapped in Phyllo. White Sauce? Pomegranate Garnish?

    just a thought.

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